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26 notes tagged "subject"

  1. self-direction
    Self-Direction is a cornerstone of my personal philosophy, emphasizing the importance of autonomy in learning and living. I don’t dismiss the value
    #autotelic #learning #practice #subject
  2. co-creation
    Co-creation is a collaborative approach that emphasises designing with others rather than for them, rejecting top-down models that impose solutions
    #belonging #collaborate #systems #subject
  3. inner ecology
    Inner Ecology is based on the understanding that everything I consume — whether food, ideas, relationships, or experiences — becomes a part of me
    #technology #consumerism #choice #subject
  4. family of choice
    Family of Choice is the idea that resonates deeply with me at this stage of my life. Growing up in a small but challenging family environment, I
    #belonging #collaborate #collective #subject
  5. symbolic living
    Symbolic living is an experiential and phenomenological approach to life and personal psychology that emphasises being present with what is, rather
    #introspective #symbols #spontaneity #subject
  6. technological futility

  7. psychosynthesis
    Roberto Assagioli was fluent in Sanskrit and a scholar of Eastern religions one of the goals of psychosynthesis, the therapy Assagioli developed as
  8. active imagination
    one fleshes out the meaning through asking questions, attempting interpretations, paying attention to affect, interacting in an analytic
    #imagination #practice #subject
  9. new middle ages
    Umberto Eco’s essays “Living in the New Middle Ages” and “Dreaming of the Middle Ages” … decline of Westphalian sovereignty … replaced by global
    #authority #medieval #subject
  10. number three
    there are now three in the study tripod and the evolution of three to four three levels system in society three levels of masculine consciousness
    #triplicity #numbers #subject
  11. somatic
    s introduced by Thomas Hanna (1970), refers to an experiential study of the body “affective education” or “experiential education”, engaging
    #somatic #embodiment #learning #movement #therapeutic #subject
  12. feldenkrais
    Scientist, martial artist, and founder of the method that bears his name, Moshe Feldenkrais wrote several influential books on the relationship
  13. Tat Tvam Asi
    Thou art that, Joseph Campbell
  14. selfishness and altruism
    from The Soul of Man Under Socialism (1891), Oscar Wilde: exaggerated altruistic virtues original virtue through disobedience selfishness is to
    #egocentric #benevolence #subject
  15. mimetic desire
    René Girard, theologian discovered that most of what we desire is mimetic (mi-met-ik) or imitative, not intrinsic. Humans learn—through imitation—to
    #mimetic #desires #theology #intrinsic #subject
  16. Technological Society
    fear of being without a phone
    #technology #culture #mimetic #subject
  17. art is individualism
    George Orwell summarised, “In effect, the world will be populated by artists, each striving after perfection in the way that seems best to
    #individuality #artist #quotes #subject
  18. virtue of selfishness
    Concept of Egoism, 1964, Ayn Rand and the writer (and lover) Nathaniel Branden … Objectivist philosophy themes include the identification and
    #egocentric #altruism #objectified #subject
  19. tolstovstvo
    Tolstoy’s philosophy challenges individuals to reject evil in all forms—whether overt or passive—and to live with moral clarity, influencing later movements for nonviolent resistance.
    #spirituality #materialism #authority #subject
  20. Garden of Eden

  21. philosophical fiction
    existential: Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Fyodor Dostoyevsky objectivism: Ayn Rand, virtue of selfishness Albert Camus, Friedrich
    #fiction #philosophical #existential #objectified #subject
  22. Metaphysics of Quality
    “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”, Robert Pirsig’s philosophical novel, 1974 and expanded in Lila: An Inquiry into Morals (1991) ZAMM
    #archetypes #symbols #phenomenology #subject
  23. Jung
    ian psychoanalysis: we are all fragmented and divided, and knowingly or not, we’re all searching for our souls acquired mind; Taoist, culture
    #therapeutic #individuality #manly #womanly #phenomenology #subject
  24. Chögyam Trungpa

    #spirituality #buddhist #subject
  25. Joseph Campbell
    The Hero with a Thousand Faces The Writer’s Journey - Christopher Vogler Save the Cat! - Blake Snyder
    #heroic #subject
  26. dostoyevsky
    the human will in its search for total freedom of expression becomes a self-destructive impulse1 Golyadkin’s identity is crushed by the bureaucracy

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