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#egocentric #altruism #objectified #subject

virtue of selfishness

linked mentions for "virtue of selfishness":

  1. selfishness as a strategy
    The healthiest way to look at selfishness is that it’s a necessary strategy when you’re struggling. Apparently humans are wired to take care of
  2. self-interest versus the common good
    those two impulses are mutually exclusive, although certain circumstances allow them to appear complementary extreme self-interest (selfishness,
  3. philosophical fiction
    existential: Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Fyodor Dostoyevsky objectivism: Ayn Rand, virtue of selfishness Albert Camus, Friedrich
  4. selfishness and altruism
    from The Soul of Man Under Socialism (1891), Oscar Wilde: exaggerated altruistic virtues original virtue through disobedience selfishness is to
  5. why the lucky stiff
    In The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand, the phrase “Why, the lucky stiff!” is used by the character Gail Wynand (a powerful newspaper mogul who embodies