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17 notes tagged "mimetic"

  1. non-language knowings
    new materialism, mimetic rationality, material inference
    #reality #mimetic #rational #language
  2. pervasive tendency to rationalize
    While we may not be entirely or irredeemably self-deceived, we are often rewarded for acting on selfish impulses yet less so for acknowledging them,
    #rational #meaning #stories #mimetic
  3. brain’s press secretary interpreter module
    All human brains contain an interpreter module whose job is to make sense of experiences by constructing explanations in the form of stories
    #introspective #stories #fantasies #mimetic
  4. writing healing fiction
    I define my writing style as “healing fiction.” It’s not merely because I gather most of the paragraphs from the transformative journaling process,
    #writing #mimetic #artist
  5. traincat
    'Operation Y': 3 offenders plot a heist. Heroism seen through emulation, brute force, control. Elsewhere, leaders choose 'guardian-architect' or humble 'scholar-gardener'. Surrendering to healing fiction I aim to design a better human experience embracing human empathy and creativity.
    #triplicity #mimetic #film #artist #letters
  6. unformed adult zelig
    The hero of Woody Allen's mockumentary film, Zelig (1983), is an unformed adult who has no sense of himself. He borrows other people's identity, thinking he can be anybody. Actually, he is without a body.
    #film #mimetic #drawing #embodiment #diaries
  7. enacting behaviour of others
    subjective and relative notion … trained observer can tell whether a given action is spontaneous or compulsive what is important to one person is of
    #spontaneity #compulsion #mimetic
  8. journalism supplies insatiable curiosity
    The public discovered that the pen is mightier than the paving-stone, and can be made as offensive as the brickbat. They at once sought for the
    #experts #mimetic #journalism
  9. cult of experts
    The Cult of Experts. “The people more competent than we are in innumerable fields of endeavor,” (Girard), with their “Follow These Five Steps”
    #experts #learning #mimetic
  10. scientism mimetic game
    Scientism fools people because it is a mimetic game dressed up as science. The key is carefully curating our sources of knowledge so that we are
    #mimetic #cartesian #scientism
  11. mimetic desire
    René Girard, theologian discovered that most of what we desire is mimetic (mi-met-ik) or imitative, not intrinsic. Humans learn—through imitation—to
    #mimetic #desires #theology #intrinsic #subject
  12. ideology maturity conflicting desires
    ideology is the idea that everything is either good or bad … it’s a sign of maturity to be able to hold on to two conflicting desires or two
    #mimetic #meaning
  13. all hipsters look alike
    for a hipster, the rival is popular culture—he eschews anything popular and embraces what he believes to be eclectic, but he does so according to
    #culture #mimetic
  14. Technological Society
    fear of being without a phone
    #technology #culture #mimetic #subject
  15. mimesis
    a term used in literary criticism and philosophy: imitation, nonsensuous similarity, receptivity, representation, mimicry, the act of
    #reality #mimetic #philosophical
  16. the etiology of the existential vacuum
    in contrast to an animal, no drives and instincts tell man what he must do .. unlike man in former times, he is no longer told what he should do by
    #conformity #existential #mimetic #dichotomy #authority
  17. human autonomy and influence
    Unlike an animal, man is not told by instincts what he must do. And unlike man in former times, he is no longer told by traditions what he should
    #mimetic #society #conformity

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