principles page home Create a principles page on your site to share your core values and beliefs. Project explores rituals, integrity, and introspection, showing how defining your principles shapes your vocation and life. #introspective#transparency#restorying
Wilson Redirect In Redirect (2011), Timothy D. Wilson argues that our unconscious “narratives”—the stories we tell ourselves — shape how we see the world and our #restorying#introspective
reflected appraisal I believe this one is from Redirect (2011) by Timothy D. Wilson, though it could be from another source. It references Charles Cooley’s concept of #restorying#introspective
atomic notes and incremental writing Levdotlc is an outlet for self-expression which supplies me with an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who appreciate the intersection of creativity and thought-provoking socio-cultural insights. With a minimalist, search-centered design, the site features a vast collection of writings, drawings, and study notes that reflect my creative pursuits and personal experiences. #autotelic#introspective#artist#individuality
more like strangers to ourselves A social psychologist Timothy Wilson made a long career studying the perils of introspection. In his “Strangers to Ourselves” (2002), he writes #introspective
Byron Katie's "The Work" and turnarounds Byron Katie, in her book "Loving What Is," introduces her process of self-inquiry called "The Work." She shares her personal realisation that suffering arises from believing our own stressful thoughts. By engaging in The Work, individuals can identify and question these thoughts using four key questions. Additionally, the practice involves exploring turnarounds, which offer alternative perspectives to the original thought. Through this process, Katie asserts that suffering can be alleviated by recognizing the optional nature of our beliefs and discovering an inner joy that remains constant. #suffering#introspective
Who is a Good Coach? Coaching assumes clients possess emotional integration and focuses on creating the life they desire, not fixing problems. Effective coaching encourages clients to value themselves and set intrinsic, joy-filled goals. Coaches should never impose their truths, allowing clients' self-actualization through awareness, responsibility, and authentic values. Seasoned coaches prioritize nurturing, intuition, self-expression, and joy while aligning with clients' essence and remaining supportive observers. #coaching#introspective#therapeutic#individuality
Why Coach Introspection? Introspection, while potentially yielding valuable self-knowledge, may also lead to self-obsession and chronic rumination. We have to penetrate the layers of appearances and develop the capacity to hold several contradictory or paradoxical ideas about ourselves in our minds at the same time. #coaching#introspective#journaling#cartesian#society
What are Us? Embracing spontaneity and inner genius, we can reshape notions and know ourselves intimately. This self-knowledge lets us create our lives rather than follow others' expectations. Introspection illuminates our inner world. It helps us examine our beliefs, find our voice, and integrate our notions with outer reality. We can understand our roles and personalities, and the difference between our self-perception and others' views. #society#cartesian#introspective#journaling#spontaneity
what to si “C” is not an “a”, and it is not a “b” — this is to suggest that C is consequently flowing and not merely a choice. They don’t have to watch the #introspective#change#poetry#diaries
drunkard’s search A policeman sees a drunk man searching for something under a streetlight and asks what the drunk has lost. He says he lost his keys and they both look under the streetlight together. After a few minutes the policeman asks if he is sure he lost them here, and the drunk replies, no, and that he lost them in the park. The policeman asks why he is searching here, and the drunk replies, "this is where the light is". #hindu#introspective#philosophical#diaries