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14 notes tagged "learning"

  1. Beyond Introspection
    One of the common coaching inquiries concerns burnout, stress, and the assumption that they diminish our effectiveness, which easily migrates into a
    #autotelic #learning #spontaneity #intuition
  2. somatic
    s introduced by Thomas Hanna (1970), refers to an experiential study of the body “affective education” or “experiential education”, engaging
    #somatic #embodiment #learning #movement #therapeutic #subject
  3. cult of experts
    The Cult of Experts. “The people more competent than we are in innumerable fields of endeavor,” (Girard), with their “Follow These Five Steps”
    #experts #learning #mimetic
  4. action and notions of inquiry
    Peirce viewed inquiry (logic) as any process which resulted in change from a state of doubt (a disturbance of the harmony of one’s actions, an
    #learning #experiential #change
  5. john dewey instrumentalism pragmatism
    John Dewey’s ideas relating to pragmatism , or as he referred to it, instrumentalism, is unique in insisting that philosophy should take the methods
    #learning #experiential #pragmatism
  6. dewey reflective thinking
    thinking could mean simply uncontrolled coursing of ideas in our heads, or the successions of imaginative incidents and episodes hanging together
    #experiential #learning #pragmatism
  7. experience action and continuity
    three ways or actions through which one arrives at knowledge: experience - an action (especially physical) through which knowledge may be guided
    #experiential #learning #pragmatism
  8. moving whole of interacting parts
    knowledge is continually being appropriated, interacting with our environment, we acquire habits (patterns of probable behaviour unique to each
    #experiential #learning #pragmatism
  9. experiential learning theory
    Experiential learning is about the learner experiencing things for themselves and learning from them. Kolb (1984) proposed a four stage model known
    #learning #experiential
  10. pragmatism learning theory
    John Dewey (1859-1952) believed that formal schooling was falling short of its potential. He emphasized facilitating learning through promoting
    #pragmatism #learning #experiential
  11. sensory learning theory
    Laird (1985) suggests that learning occurs when the senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste are stimulated. This is easy if you are
  12. constructing rather than acquiring knowledge
    Constructivism is about learning being an active, contextualized process of constructing knowledge rather than acquiring it. The learner brings past
    #autodidactic #learning #actions
  13. pragmatist spacial experiential learning theories
  14. spiritual tourism
    Intrinsic motivation and spontaneity thrive through self-expression and creativity, akin to art. The pursuit of answers to the wrong questions can lead to existential anguish. Escaping the confines of normalcy, one explores spirituality but may get lost in literalism. To connect with the inner creative, language must be learned, grounding spirituality in everyday life, embracing the sacred in the ordinary, aiming for self-realization.
    #spirituality #learning #creative #belonging #normalcy

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