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17 notes tagged "triplicity"

  1. horney home bases
    Karen Horney’s neoanalytic work (1945), the three home bases, examining our basic neurotic strategies, social relationships and the interpersonal
  2. traincat
    'Operation Y': 3 offenders plot a heist. Heroism seen through emulation, brute force, control. Elsewhere, leaders choose 'guardian-architect' or humble 'scholar-gardener'. Surrendering to healing fiction I aim to design a better human experience embracing human empathy and creativity.
    #triplicity #mimetic #film #artist #letters
  3. mass consumerism and excessive overconsumption
    the acquisitive consumption, where things are acquired at a scale that exceeds one’s needs, or even one’s capacity to consume repetitive consumption
    #triplicity #culture
  4. myths and constitutional types
    We can make connections between some of the myths and William Sheldon’s constitutional types. Each of us is a combination of all three. Each of us
    #somatic #myth #triplicity #archetypes
  5. triune task insight courage endurance
    finding personal authority requires two things: sorting through the traffic within and living what we find with courage and consistency Jung
    #perseverance #reality #triplicity
  6. number three
    there are now three in the study tripod and the evolution of three to four three levels system in society three levels of masculine consciousness
    #triplicity #numbers #subject
  7. astrological triplicities
    Cardinal, Mutable and Fixed a starter, a producer, a finisher … 12 zodiac signs are subdivided into 3 qualities (also called modalities and
    #astrology #triplicity #systems
  8. bowlby attachment styles
    John Bowlby’s Attachment and loss (Trilogy): 1 Attachment; 2 Separation Anxiety and Anger; 3 Loss Sadness and Depression. The work of Bowlby and
  9. tripod and the evolution of three to four
    Meizumi Roshi, a Zen master in Los Angeles, once said, “Why don’t you die now and enjoy the rest of your life?” The use of tripod and key is a
    #triplicity #fourfold #christian #shadow #society
  10. three levels system in society
    Societies before the modern era and those still functioning in less-developed parts of the world believe that most people are to be left permanently
    #triplicity #culture #hindu
  11. three levels of masculine consciousness
    One story, for instance, relates that the simple man comes home in the evening wondering what’s for dinner, the complex man comes home pondering the
    #triplicity #egocentric
  12. going to the place of the Mothers
    Any man embarking on this symbolic quest must understand that he will be swept into one enthusiasm after another. Such enthusiasms soon wane and are
    #symbols #mother #triplicity #solitude #introspective
  13. there are now three in the study
    …, a far more powerful combination than just two. The poodle will bring energy and paradox, both of which are necessary for redemption. … flames
    #hindu #triplicity
  14. complex man in hamlet
    Shakespeare defined complex man with unerring accuracy in Hamlet. a stage higher on the evolutionary scale represented by H., the worried, anxious,
    #seriousness #suffering #existential #opposition #triplicity #fourfold
  15. east west concepts of evil
    India has a trinity of gods, with a fourth quite outside that trinity, a structure similar to our own Trinity and devil. Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva
    #hindu #triplicity #greek #christian #society
  16. human capacity for self-detachment
    To detach oneself from even the worst conditions is a uniquely human capability. However, this unique capacity of man to detach himself from any
    #heroic #humor #triplicity #somatic #therapeutic
  17. Man’s Search for Meaning (1946)
    Logotherapy’s concept of man is based on three pillars, the freedom of will, the will to meaning, and the meaning of life. The first of them, the
    #triplicity #therapeutic #meaning #determinism

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