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#technology #culture #mimetic #subject

Technological Society

linked mentions for "Technological Society":

  1. the slavery of the machine
    It is mentally and morally injurious to man to do anything in which he does not find pleasure. It is impossible to sweep the streets with mental,
  2. fear of being without a phone
    Nomophobia — the fear of being without a smart phone — is a recognisable psychological affliction. In his book from 1930, Civilization and its
  3. mimesis
    a term used in literary criticism and philosophy: imitation, nonsensuous similarity, receptivity, representation, mimicry, the act of
  4. The Fear of Being With a Smartphone
    The integration of smartphones into every aspect of our lives blurs the line between necessity and intrusion. Collecting data on a massive scale during the pandemic sets a precedent with cascading effects on autonomy and societal norms. Time to design human-centric tech systems....Mobile phones transformed from being convenient tools into lifelines for maintaining personal good-standing, leading us to digital slavery.