atomic notes and incremental writing Levdotlc is an outlet for self-expression which supplies me with an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who appreciate the intersection of creativity and thought-provoking socio-cultural insights. With a minimalist, search-centered design, the site features a vast collection of writings, drawings, and study notes that reflect my creative pursuits and personal experiences. #autotelic#introspective#artist#individuality
duotons — is a series of artworks that summons forth the soulful characters, each one an avatar I must then clothe in words. Most arise spontaneously, #drawing#individuality#archetypes
the four quarters combining the four signs Unification of mind; joining feeling and essence, real knowledge and conscious knowledge. Also sometimes defined as #taoist#fourfold#individuality
bender As of this moment, I have been in my forties for a straight 15 hours, five of which I spent sleeping. So far, so good! Today, I am launching a new website and starting a newsletter, sending out its first issue called 'Bender'. Take a look at the latest artwork and subscribe to the emails! #society#individuality#spontaneity#reality#letters
Who is a Good Coach? Coaching assumes clients possess emotional integration and focuses on creating the life they desire, not fixing problems. Effective coaching encourages clients to value themselves and set intrinsic, joy-filled goals. Coaches should never impose their truths, allowing clients' self-actualization through awareness, responsibility, and authentic values. Seasoned coaches prioritize nurturing, intuition, self-expression, and joy while aligning with clients' essence and remaining supportive observers. #coaching#introspective#therapeutic#individuality
fate commencing second half of life the second half of life occurs when people, for whatever reason — death of partner, end of marriage, illness, retirement, whatever — are obliged to #individuality
neo-romantic period 1960s “Neo-Romantic” which links it to other periods in history in which individual (authenticity), subjective experience has been given special #individuality
say my name How do we live by the names given to us? How do we choose a name, or should I ask how does the name choose us? I use a mononym — levèlsi — and choose to write it in lowercase letters. This stylistic decision is my way of resisting the authority over personal names. #individuality#society#authority