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5 notes tagged "materialism"

  1. confusion of private property  
    Property has so many duties that its possession to any large extent involves endless claims upon one, endless attention to business. If property had
    property security individuality materialism
  2. materialistic pathology  
    self-expression as an answer to materialistic pathology ... shamed out of being artistic, I reason that this privilege is given to a chosen few, with an inborn talent, usually recognized long after they die ... inspiration meeting cultivation with an innate desire to lessen pain and produce more joy
    #poetry #spirituality #artist #materialism #resistance
  3. materialistic pathology  
    self-expression as an answer to materialistic pathology ... shamed out of being artistic, I reason that this privilege is given to a chosen few, with an inborn talent, usually recognized long after they die ... inspiration meeting cultivation with an innate desire to lessen pain and produce more joy
    poetry spirituality artist materialism resistance
  4. materialism - not a solution for the unlived youthfulness  
    The American ideal of perpetual youthfulness dies very hard in us. We are so materialistic and so enamored of the power of will that we refuse to
    reality aging materialism
  5. concerning the spiritual in art  
    The painter Wassily Kandinsky saw himself as a pioneer of a new spirituality. “Concerning the Spiritual in Art”, 1911 (Василий Кандинский, “О
    artist spirituality materialism objectified

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