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#belonging #collaborate #collective #subject

family of choice

Family of Choice is the idea that resonates deeply with me at this stage of my life. Growing up in a small but challenging family environment, I often felt out of sync with those who were supposed to be my closest kin. This dissonance led me to question the traditional notions of family tied solely to biology or chance. I have come to understand that belonging is a fundamental human need, one that doesn’t diminish with age but evolves in its expression. My desire isn’t merely to be part of a group but to engage meaningfully with individuals who enrich my life through shared values and mutual growth.

Choosing my family means surrounding myself with people who inspire joy and foster authenticity. It’s about creating a supportive community where we hold physical and psychological spaces for each other, working together to actualize collective well-being. This approach transcends utilitarian relationships built on convenience or resource pooling; it’s a deliberate commitment to cultivate connections that nourish the soul.

In embracing a family of choice, I reject the notion that we are bound only by the circumstances of our birth. Instead, I affirm that we have the agency to forge relationships that reflect who we truly are. This though aligns with my belief in co-creation, where engaging in joyful collaboration with others leads to a more fulfilling and harmonious existence. It acknowledges that while I cannot choose the family I was born into, I can choose the people who walk alongside me, shaping a shared narrative that resonates with authenticity and purpose.