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6 notes tagged "existential"

  1. kerouac and existential freedom
    Jack Kerouac published “On the Road” in 1957 and The Dharma Bums in 1960, expressing a mode of immediacy and unconstraint which inspired a
  2. growth project of therapy
    growth a huge part of the project of therapy, but the very word grow is a word appropriate to children. After a certain age you do not grow. You
    #existential #therapeutic #consumerism
  3. philosophical fiction
    existential: Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Fyodor Dostoyevsky objectivism: Ayn Rand, virtue of selfishness Albert Camus, Friedrich
    #fiction #philosophical #existential #objectified #subject
  4. complex man in hamlet
    Shakespeare defined complex man with unerring accuracy in Hamlet. a stage higher on the evolutionary scale represented by H., the worried, anxious,
    #seriousness #suffering #existential #opposition #triplicity #fourfold
  5. the etiology of the existential vacuum
    in contrast to an animal, no drives and instincts tell man what he must do .. unlike man in former times, he is no longer told what he should do by
    #conformity #existential #mimetic #dichotomy #authority
  6. Freud’s self-interpretation of psychoanalysis
    Columbus believed that he had found a new way to India, when what he had discovered was a new continent. There is also a difference between what
    #therapeutic #existential #cartesian

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