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8 notes tagged "symbols"

  1. symbolic living
    Symbolic living is an experiential and phenomenological approach to life and personal psychology that emphasises being present with what is, rather
    #introspective #symbols #spontaneity #subject
  2. fish symbol synchronicity
    To grasp the full power of a symbol, we need to go back to the root meaning of the word. “Symbol” is derived from the Greek σύμβολον (sýmbolon)
    #symbols #synchronicity
  3. semiotic triangle
    The Semiotic Triangle explains the relationship between symbols (words), concepts, and real-world referents. For effective communication, the
    #meaning #symbols #language
  4. charioteer who gallops off at full speed
    The efforts of planning, reasoning, discipline, and heroic ventures would only further the emotional confusion , it is only in the realm of symbol
    #symbols #ceremony #heroic #archetypes
  5. symbol, ceremony, art, and imagination
    The problems of meaninglessness and loneliness, the results of our unlived lives, can be made conscious. We can find an alternate interior
    #play #symbols #ceremony #imagination #simpleman
  6. going to the place of the Mothers
    Any man embarking on this symbolic quest must understand that he will be swept into one enthusiasm after another. Such enthusiasms soon wane and are
    #symbols #mother #triplicity #solitude #introspective
  7. Metaphysics of Quality
    “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”, Robert Pirsig’s philosophical novel, 1974 and expanded in Lila: An Inquiry into Morals (1991) ZAMM
    #archetypes #symbols #phenomenology #subject
  8. Golden Calf and turning 35
    In just 30 days, I’ll be 35. A curious milestone, as 3+5 brings me to 8, a number of infinite cycles and new beginnings. I’m reflecting on my birth
    #hebrew #numbers #symbols #diaries

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