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18 notes tagged "somatic"

  1. subdued images of vitality
    When we live concepts and images that are not grounded in our body, we do not believe in who we are unformed adult zelig two terms: image and
    #somatic #myth
  2. myths and constitutional types
    We can make connections between some of the myths and William Sheldon’s constitutional types. Each of us is a combination of all three. Each of us
    #somatic #myth #triplicity #archetypes
  3. handwritten or typewritten journaling
    I might say that handwritten journals excel at rereading. Holding an object that is an evidence of time, an example of craft, and a symbol of
    #journaling #creative #somatic #diaries
  4. cartesian mechanistic physics vs quantum mechanics
    Somatics challenges traditional models of Cartesian dualism in which contemporary scientific psychology was born. Whereas Freud’s psychology was
    #cartesian #therapeutic #scientism #somatic
  5. proprioception and kinesthetic awareness
    For bodies to be attuned to each other, two things must be involved: a. You know how to control your body’s movements (proprioception) …
    #embodiment #somatic
  6. somatic
    s introduced by Thomas Hanna (1970), refers to an experiential study of the body “affective education” or “experiential education”, engaging
    #somatic #embodiment #learning #movement #therapeutic #subject
  7. body as an object outside or subject inside
    behavioral psychology studies the body as an object from outside itself, somatic studies the body as a subject from inside itself, it de-emphasises
    #somatic #therapeutic #practice
  8. authentic movement
    Authentic Movement is an embodied awareness practice developed in the mid-twentieth century by Whitehouse, a dancer and avid student and teacher of
    #somatic #embodiment #practice
  9. third wave humanistic psychology
    “Third Wave” in psychology. Psychoanalysis (studied neurotic pathology) and Behaviorism (discard personal experience altogether) had held the stage
    #therapeutic #gestalt #somatic #spontaneity
  10. visually dominance hearing and touch
    Many people are visually dominant. Seeing is their main way of knowing, which influences the way they think (sharply separated objects), and how
    #sensory #somatic
  11. attention to the subjective or phenomenological body
    composed of people who work with the subjective or phenomenological body for various purposes, such as healing, education, and self-discovery …
  12. body epiphany the somatic insight
    a particular experience, the “body epiphany,” (less dramatically, the “Somatic Insight,” an initial discovery of the body/mind unity, a discovery
    #somatic #embodiment
  13. somatic movement founders esalen workshops
    “founders” the teachers and innovators who were teaching at that time, such as Rolf, Lowen, Selver, Whitehouse, and Fritz Perls, had their own
  14. somatics educate what it means to be human
    The somatic insights seem peculiarly relevant to a new kind of humanities education. Just when the humanities seem almost defunct in academic
  15. somatic interest studies and practices
    “Somatics” or “Somatic Studies” for the field of knowledge thus derived, and “Somatic Practices” for its practical applications. Somatic practices
  16. understanding other bodies
    Our perception and understanding of the bodies of others are deeply connected to the actions and sensations of our own bodies. The connection of our
    #embodiment #somatic #perception #sensory
  17. insider perspective of the body
    We have an insider’s view of the body, one shaped by our actions and sensations, unlike our outsider view of other things in our world that is
  18. human capacity for self-detachment
    To detach oneself from even the worst conditions is a uniquely human capability. However, this unique capacity of man to detach himself from any
    #heroic #humor #triplicity #somatic #therapeutic

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