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5 notes tagged "objectified"

  1. excitation and commitment to self-knowing
    There is nothing wrong with knowledge. What’s wrong is an incessant, unrelenting need to know, which is related to a compulsive need for power. The
    #objectified #compulsion #knowledge
  2. virtue of selfishness
    Concept of Egoism, 1964, Ayn Rand and the writer (and lover) Nathaniel Branden … Objectivist philosophy themes include the identification and
    #egocentric #altruism #objectified #subject
  3. philosophical fiction
    existential: Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Fyodor Dostoyevsky objectivism: Ayn Rand, virtue of selfishness Albert Camus, Friedrich
    #fiction #philosophical #existential #objectified #subject
  4. concerning the spiritual in art
    The painter Wassily Kandinsky saw himself as a pioneer of a new spirituality. “Concerning the Spiritual in Art”, 1911 (Василий Кандинский, “О
    #artist #spirituality #materialism #objectified
  5. transcendence, love and conscience
    Man passes the noological dimension whenever he is reflecting upon himself — or, if need be, rejecting himself; whenever he is making himself an
    #introspective #objectified #reductionism #sexuality

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