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9 notes tagged "choice"

  1. longing for the freedom of our chains  
    the frequent choice to remain within the predictable, the safe, the familiar, even the miserable, thinking it preferable to the uncertainty of the
    choice responsibility
  2. autonomous system that supports alignment  
    wholeness involves aligning our outer choices with our inner reality. When the path we are on is right for our souls, the energy is there. When what
    reality choice resistance
  3. responsible choice that makes sense  
    This mélange of messages is so profuse. How can we ever choose? And yet, we make choices on a moment-to-moment basis, and not to choose is of course
    accountability choice
  4. taking responsibility for not committing a soul-crime  
    a direct function of one’s ability to take responsibility for choices, to cease blaming others or expecting rescue from them, and to acknowledge the
    choice individuality
  5. suffering disconnect from meaning  
    we are the animal that suffers disconnect from meaning … our system produces a complex series of interactions — feeling responses, dreams ranging
    meaning choice
  6. principles  
    tenet, raison d'être, ikigai — the truths, beliefs, and principles have to be plural and are refined by every hard choice I make
    resistance fourfold practice choice autotelic
  7. wanting what we already have  
    “People take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience—even of silence—by choice … The weasel lives in necessity and we live in choice, hating
    sufficiency choice conformity
  8. what to si  
    “C” is not an “a”, and it is not a “b” — this is to suggest that C is consequently flowing and not merely a choice. They don’t have to watch the
    introspective change courage choice poetry
  9. does this path have a heart  
    “All paths are the same: they lead nowhere. … Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn’t, it is of no use. Both paths
    quotes choice

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