34 notes tagged "therapeutic"
inventing psychotherapeutic vocabulary
Feb 2023
Freud invented a vocabulary to describe the behaviors he observed in his work, he didn’t discover “ego” and “id” - he invented them for the use of #therapeutic
Who is a Good Coach?
Feb 2023
Coaching assumes clients possess emotional integration and focuses on creating the life they desire, not fixing problems. Effective coaching encourages clients to value themselves and set intrinsic, joy-filled goals. Coaches should never impose their truths, allowing clients' self-actualization through awareness, responsibility, and authentic values. Seasoned coaches prioritize nurturing, intuition, self-expression, and joy while aligning with clients' essence and remaining supportive observers. #coaching
developmental task of the swampland states
Dec 2022
we are challenged to grow up, to take on the journey … such enlargement is often terrifying, it is also freeing and brings dignity and meaning to #journey
cartesian mechanistic physics vs quantum mechanics
Jan 2022
Somatics challenges traditional models of Cartesian dualism in which contemporary scientific psychology was born. Whereas Freud’s psychology was #cartesian
psychotherapy denies soul in things
Dec 2021
psychotherapy is only working on that “inside” soul removing the soul from the world and not recognizing that the soul is also in the world … having #cartesian
therapy wordly skills and power
Dec 2021
Explores the contrast between therapy's focus on inner growth and the lack of worldly skills gained, questioning the assumption that personal development directly translates into external power. #therapeutic
therapy mistakes knowing precedes doing
Dec 2021
emotions are mainly social, they connect to the world … therapy introverts the emotions calls fear “anxiety” …, and you work on it inside yourself. #cartesian
psychotherapy assumption processing traumas
Dec 2021
our assumption, our fantasy, in psychoanalysis has been that we’re going to process, we’re going to grow, and we’re going to level things out so #fantasies
repressing processing ore of imagination
Dec 2021
creative artists are simply models of people who turn to the imagination to work with things. That’s why one needs to read the biographies of #artist
psychotherapy pushes people into forced false normality
Dec 2021
the conviction that psychotherapy needs desperately to push past the boundaries of its accepted ideas; it needs a new wildness before it’s co-opted #normalcy
extending individuation into the world of things
Dec 2021
The only way I can justify still using the term individuation today is by extending it to mean the individuation of each moment in life, each #individuality
individual impulses felt as compulsion traverses collective
Dec 2021
We could say that something courses through the collective and is picked up and expressed in different mediums by different individuals, and that #therapeutic
interior soul neglects exterior world
Dec 2021
the calling does not have to be away from the world or rest upon a theory of self-enclosed individuals. Soul-making and care of soul do not have to #cartesian
denying world’s body destroys our souls
Dec 2021
we cannot go through the world for our own benefit and that we are actually destroying our souls by an attitude that pretends to save them … even #therapeutic
extending individual therapy to collective
Dec 2021
We’re not attacking therapy so much as trying to extend it, reveal its blind spots … it’s not the idea of doing therapy that is wrong; there are #phenomenology
Dec 2021
s introduced by Thomas Hanna (1970), refers to an experiential study of the body “affective education” or “experiential education”, engaging #somatic
body as an object outside or subject inside
Dec 2021
behavioral psychology studies the body as an object from outside itself, somatic studies the body as a subject from inside itself, it de-emphasises #somatic
third wave humanistic psychology
Nov 2021
“Third Wave” in psychology. Psychoanalysis (studied neurotic pathology) and Behaviorism (discard personal experience altogether) had held the stage #therapeutic
healthy and unhealthy work of art
Aug 2021
From the point of view of subject, a healthy work of art is one the choice of whose subject is conditioned by the temperament of the artist, and #artist
child archetype worship
Dec 2020
the therapy thing—you go back to your childhood. But if you’re looking backward, you’re not looking around. This trip backward constellates what #therapeutic
history is our causality developmental psychology
Dec 2020
the principal content of developmental psychology: what happened to you earlier is the cause of what happened to you later. That’s the basic theory: #therapeutic
growth project of therapy
Dec 2020
growth a huge part of the project of therapy, but the very word grow is a word appropriate to children. After a certain age you do not grow. You #existential
fantasy of growth in therapy
Dec 2020
the fantasy of growth that you find in therapy, and also in New Age thought, doesn’t include this awkwardness … when we look at people going through #therapeutic
therapy investigates aggravetes abuse
Dec 2020
Therapy might imagine itself investigating the immediate social causes, even while keeping its vocabulary of abuse and victimization — that we are #therapeutic
sophisticated therapeutic class
Dec 2020
The sophisticated “therapeutic class” who come to private therapy have their stories already formed into the therapeutic genre, that is, the story #therapeutic
therapeutic fiction genre
Dec 2020
fictions are mental constructs, fantasies by means of which we fashion or “fiction” (fingere) a life or a person into a case history Portnoy’s #fantasies
therapist-patient collaborating in a mutual fiction story
Dec 2020
… counter-transference, the therapist-writer’s self-indulgence in the story. Two authors are now collaborating in a mutual fiction of therapy, #fiction
the mistake of historical literalism
Dec 2020
The core mistake of mechanism in psychology is that it literalises functions and actions as discrete moving parts, separated from each other. … the #fiction
see the literature in psychology
Dec 2020
therapists are not aware enough that we are singers … ways of narration are limited to four kinds: epic, comic, detective, social realism … take #therapeutic
poiesis of psychoanalysis
Dec 2020
Psychoanalysis is a work of imaginative tellings in the realm of poiesis, which means simply “making,” and which I take to mean making by #therapeutic
Jul 2019
ian psychoanalysis: we are all fragmented and divided, and knowingly or not, we’re all searching for our souls acquired mind; Taoist, culture #therapeutic
human capacity for self-detachment
Aug 2017
To detach oneself from even the worst conditions is a uniquely human capability. However, this unique capacity of man to detach himself from any #heroic
Freud’s self-interpretation of psychoanalysis
Aug 2017
Columbus believed that he had found a new way to India, when what he had discovered was a new continent. There is also a difference between what #therapeutic
Man’s Search for Meaning (1946)
Aug 2017
Logotherapy’s concept of man is based on three pillars, the freedom of will, the will to meaning, and the meaning of life. The first of them, the #triplicity
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