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6 notes tagged "altruism"

  1. self-interest versus the common good
    those two impulses are mutually exclusive, although certain circumstances allow them to appear complementary extreme self-interest (selfishness,
    #egocentric #altruism #community
  2. denying world’s body destroys our souls
    we cannot go through the world for our own benefit and that we are actually destroying our souls by an attitude that pretends to save them … even
    #therapeutic #altruism #worldly
  3. selfishness is to make claims upon others
    Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live, always aims at creating around it an absolute
    #egocentric #altruism
  4. exaggerated altruistic virtues
    Altruistic impulses of charity, benevolence, and the like are admirable, though misdirected intentions — degrade and demoralise … It is much more
    #altruism #benevolence #artist
  5. virtue of selfishness
    Concept of Egoism, 1964, Ayn Rand and the writer (and lover) Nathaniel Branden … Objectivist philosophy themes include the identification and
    #egocentric #altruism #objectified #subject
  6. selfishness as a strategy
    The healthiest way to look at selfishness is that it’s a necessary strategy when you’re struggling. Apparently humans are wired to take care of
    #altruism #benevolence

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