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Garden of Eden

linked mentions for "Garden of Eden":

  1. three levels system in society
    Societies before the modern era and those still functioning in less-developed parts of the world believe that most people are to be left permanently
  2. two-dimensional man don quixote
    Don Quixote (Cervantes) a man so enamored of the simple ways of two-dimensional man — medieval man — that he took on the finery of knighthood and
  3. Cervantes and Shakespeare
    occupied almost the same lifespan. they both died on the same day, April 23, 1616, Don Quixote was published in 1605, and the first edition of
  4. in the beginning was the act
    When Faust changes his translation of the beginning line of the Gospel (John 1:1) from “In the beginning was the Word” to “In the beginning was the