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17 notes tagged "spontaneity"

  1. now
    Interspersing writing, drawing, reading, and practicing keeps my ideas fresh and creativity sharp. Breaks from projects let solutions emerge. Small iterative improvements prevent burnout and sustain momentum. Working on multiple projects brings new insights and richer outcomes.
    #drawing #coaching #spontaneity
  2. symbolic living
    Symbolic living is an experiential and phenomenological approach to life and personal psychology that emphasises being present with what is, rather
    #introspective #symbols #spontaneity #subject
  3. on coaching 
    In today’s world, the effort of self-improvement has become a relentless pursuit, with many seeking guidance from various experts, traditions, and
    #coaching #introspective #autotelic #spontaneity
  4. Perspective on Psychological Work
    We often fall into the trap of believing that we are defined by our pasts, that we are our past. The past, however, is merely a construction of the
    #coaching #individuality #culture #change #concentration #spontaneity
  5. a colloquy on essentialism
    The following conversation is a constructive dialogue between Moshe Feldenkrais and Greg McKeown. Both saw moderation and awareness as keys. This
  6. bender
    As of this moment, I have been in my forties for a straight 15 hours, five of which I spent sleeping. So far, so good! Today, I am launching a new website and starting a newsletter, sending out its first issue called 'Bender'. Take a look at the latest artwork and subscribe to the emails!
    #society #individuality #spontaneity #reality #letters
  7. The Rise of AI and Everything That Remains
    AI models trained on vast datasets are becoming tools of unprecedented efficiency and creativity. From generating data-driven business strategies to
    #technology #embodiment #sensory #spontaneity
  8. in the beginning there was living
    To live is to express one’s self. Expression — the outcome of our enlarged excitation — impels us toward more self-forming .. experiencing more
    #individuality #spontaneity
  9. breath of inspiration and individuality
    Two breaths may have similarities, but they are never the same. Every connection that someone makes with the environment by inhaling and exhaling is
    #individuality #spontaneity
  10. Beyond Introspection
    One of the common coaching inquiries concerns burnout, stress, and the assumption that they diminish our effectiveness, which easily migrates into a
    #autotelic #learning #spontaneity #intuition #coaching
  11. What are Us?
    Embracing spontaneity and inner genius, we can reshape notions and know ourselves intimately. This self-knowledge lets us create our lives rather than follow others' expectations. Introspection illuminates our inner world. It helps us examine our beliefs, find our voice, and integrate our notions with outer reality. We can understand our roles and personalities, and the difference between our self-perception and others' views.
    #society #cartesian #introspective #journaling #spontaneity
  12. personal experience in developing voluntary control
    the importance of personal experience in the formation of spontaneous behavior … that is possible only so long as the environment remains
    #spontaneity #perseverance #autonomy
  13. enacting behaviour of others
    subjective and relative notion … trained observer can tell whether a given action is spontaneous or compulsive what is important to one person is of
    #spontaneity #compulsion #mimetic
  14. liberation of vital energy theme blake and reich
    the liberation of vital energy theme , is one of the major motifs of our intellectual heritage. Freedom is our goal, and natural life is our
    #theology #spontaneity
  15. third wave humanistic psychology
    “Third Wave” in psychology. Psychoanalysis (studied neurotic pathology) and Behaviorism (discard personal experience altogether) had held the stage
    #therapeutic #gestalt #somatic #spontaneity
  16. constructing rather than acquiring knowledge
    Constructivism is about learning being an active, contextualized process of constructing knowledge rather than acquiring it. The learner brings past
    #learning #actions #spontaneity
  17. head of yoga
    Exploring a shift from traditional career paths, this post delves into the quest for meaningful work beyond financial gains. Rejecting the confines of finance-driven roles, I ponder with the notion of the "Head of Yoga," not in the literal sense but as a catalyst for fostering holistic well-being, creativity, and camaraderie in the workplace. Drawing from personal insights gleaned from yoga and movement arts, I question the conventional work culture paradigms. Amidst a landscape of self-help trends and tech stress, the narrative hints at a forthcoming paradigm shift in tech, emphasizing human-centric solutions over purely technological advancements
    #technology #practice #autotelic #spontaneity

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