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10 notes tagged "technology"

  1. substuck
    In 2019, I was excited about Substack, thinking they were going to become an underdog and perhaps even an indie web. However, their poor UX and lack
  2. The Fear of Being With a Smartphone
    The integration of smartphones into every aspect of our lives blurs the line between necessity and intrusion. Collecting data on a massive scale during the pandemic sets a precedent with cascading effects on autonomy and societal norms. Time to design human-centric tech systems....Mobile phones transformed from being convenient tools into lifelines for maintaining personal good-standing, leading us to digital slavery.
    #society #technology
  3. nomophobia
    Nomophobia — the fear of being without a smartphone — a psychological affliction amplified by the pandemic. Our reliance on smartphones has
    #technology #society
  4. moving Grammarly documents to markdown folder
    I’ve used Grammarly for the last decade. I was happy how quickly they improved the grammar and punctuation checks. The synonym suggestion worked
    #technology #code #writing #language #diaries
  5. tech engineers desire
    engineering desire, is the approach of Silicon Valley, authoritarian governments … happens in labs, with cold, lifeless instruments … use
    #authority #technology #society #culture
  6. the slavery of the machine
    It is mentally and morally injurious to man to do anything in which he does not find pleasure. It is impossible to sweep the streets with mental,
    #technology #culture
  7. Technological Society
    fear of being without a phone
    #technology #culture #mimetic #subject
  8. head of yoga
    Exploring a shift from traditional career paths, this post delves into the quest for meaningful work beyond financial gains. Rejecting the confines of finance-driven roles, I ponder with the notion of the "Head of Yoga," not in the literal sense but as a catalyst for fostering holistic well-being, creativity, and camaraderie in the workplace. Drawing from personal insights gleaned from yoga and movement arts, I question the conventional work culture paradigms. Amidst a landscape of self-help trends and tech stress, the narrative hints at a forthcoming paradigm shift in tech, emphasizing human-centric solutions over purely technological advancements
    #technology #practice #autotelic #spontaneity
  9. fear of being without a phone
    Nomophobia — the fear of being without a smart phone — is a recognisable psychological affliction. In his book from 1930, Civilization and its
    #technology #distraction #addiction
  10. reading Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
    “This was not something to think about,” he later said. “This was something to do: to close your eyes, hold your breath, jump in, and come out the
    #technology #biographical #diaries

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