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4 notes tagged "womanly"

  1. non-sexual needs addressed with sex
    most of us have emotional needs that we try to address with sex (besides pleasure and closeness), but sex is not the best way to satisfy them … a
    #sexuality #intelligence #anxiety #manly #womanly
  2. being a florentine lady
    Finally in desperation I tried a Don Quixote-like venture of observing that the young woman looked just like a Florentine painting of a woman
    #simpleman #womanly
  3. anima and animus in hamlet
    “He who understands the masculine and keeps to the feminine shall become the whole world’s channel. Eternal virtue shall not depart from him and he
    #anima #seriousness #womanly
  4. Jung
    ian psychoanalysis: we are all fragmented and divided, and knowingly or not, we’re all searching for our souls acquired mind; Taoist, culture
    #therapeutic #individuality #manly #womanly #phenomenology #subject

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