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#introspective #symbols #spontaneity #subject

symbolic living

Symbolic living is an experiential and phenomenological approach to life and personal psychology that emphasizes being present with what is, rather than engaging in analysis or measuring myself against others. I reject defining rigid concepts of “healthy,” “right,” or “wrong,” allowing no room for Cartesian causality. Instead, symbolic living invites me to de-objectify human life and re-infuse the soul into worldly objects and everyday moments. The term “symbolic” does not lessen value; rather, it highlights that a symbol is recognized intuitively before it is conceptualized by the mind.

This notion encourages effortless being — living from my true self or essence rather than chasing arbitrary success and quantities dictated by the ego. The ego often wants me to hide or stay small, afraid of judgment, fearing exposure or failure. It tells me to avoid taking risks, remain within the confines of comfort and familiarity. However, my true self knows that I am here to expand, to connect, and to offer something meaningful.

Symbolic living is about studying the mythical and allowing the mystical into my daily actions and routines. It turns my focus away from self-interest toward a more expansive sense of purpose. In doing so, I am becoming visible and available — not for self-promotion, but to genuinely serve and connect with others. Presence and genuine connection enable me to contribute to the whole and deepen my own sense of meaning.