7 notes tagged "scientism"
intellectual orthodoxy of science
Willis Harman had a particular interest in the relationship between matter and consciousness, he was one of several prestigious Stanford scientists
#scientism #reductionist #knowledge #reductionism -
cartesian mechanistic physics vs quantum mechanics
Somatics challenges traditional models of Cartesian dualism in which contemporary scientific psychology was born. Whereas Freud’s psychology was
#cartesian #therapeutic #scientism #somatic -
tendencies to literalise and scorn science
One strong tendency of the vocational schools was to literalize with the scientific information about anatomy and physiology … Another tendency was
#reality #scientism -
scientism mimetic game
Scientism fools people because it is a mimetic game dressed up as science. The key is carefully curating our sources of knowledge so that we are
#mimetic #cartesian #scientism -
history is our causality developmental psychology
the principal content of developmental psychology: what happened to you earlier is the cause of what happened to you later. That’s the basic theory:
#therapeutic #cartesian #scientism #memory -
factual history claims literal truth
… factual history, a true account or knowledge about the “succession of events through which anything passes … a lie when it claims literal truth.
#fantasies #scientism -
six filters for truth personal experience
(Human perceptions are iffy.) Experience of people you know (Even more unreliable.) Experts (They work for money, not truth.) Scientific studies
#scientism #experts #perception