4 notes tagged "property"
extending individuation into the world of things
The only way I can justify still using the term individuation today is by extending it to mean the individuation of each moment in life, each
#individuality #therapeutic #property #platonism -
confusion of private property
Property has so many duties that its possession to any large extent involves endless claims upon one, endless attention to business. If property had
#property #security #individuality #materialism -
individualism and family life
Socialism would relieve us from that sordid necessity of living for others which presses so hardly upon almost everybody now. It annihilates family
#individuality #property -
small in the doing
Reflecting on why I tend to craft big, ambitious plans but feel small in the doing. It got me thinking about the roots of scarcity, how we ended up here from a world of natural abundance, and whether concepts like universal income could help us reconnect with that sense of enoughness.
#abundance #agriculture #property #diaries