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13 notes tagged "language"

  1. give it a whirl
    Discover the meaning of the idiom 'give it a whirl', along with similar phrases like 'take it for a spin,' 'give it a go,' and 'try your hand at it.' Explore how these expressions encourage trying new things with ease and curiosity.
  2. non-language knowings
    new materialism, mimetic rationality, material inference
    #reality #mimetic #rational #language
  3. inventing psychotherapeutic vocabulary
    Freud invented a vocabulary to describe the behaviors he observed in his work, he didn’t discover “ego” and “id” - he invented them for the use of
    #therapeutic #psychedelic #language
  4. moving Grammarly documents to markdown folder
    I’ve used Grammarly for the last decade. I was pleased with how quickly they improved their grammar and punctuation checks. The synonym suggestions
    #technology #programming #writing #language #diaries
  5. semiotic triangle
    The Semiotic Triangle explains the relationship between symbols (words), concepts, and real-world referents. For effective communication, the
    #meaning #symbols #language
  6. The Art of Condescending
    Did anyone ever accuse you of being condescending? The word itself feels like a shirt worn backwards. It happened to me recently, in a late-night
    #vulnerability #authority #language #power
  7. the verb to happen, happiness
    Later I inquired into the origin of the word happy and found that it derives from the verb to happen. In other words, happiness is to be found
  8. linear structure
    narratives have a linear structure driven by time, theories have a linear structure directed by logic speaking is linear, one word after another,
    #language #phenomenology #music
  9. amor fati
    The word “weird” is related to the German word “Werden” - becoming. Your weird, your fate, comes right out of yourself. … Nietzsche has this
    #philosophical #language
  10. Pelevin Villa dei Misteri
    “Did people come up with the idea of God, or did they discover that he exists?” (люди придумали бога или решили что он есть?) “One of these
    #language #fiction #fantasies
  11. Pelevin Empire V
    A reflection on Pelevin’s Empire V, exploring the philosophical depth and unique language of the Russian book, comparing key chapter Villa dei Misteri in English and Russian, to assess the translation’s ability to convey Pelevin’s style, including his use of matershchina and the word bablós. Hope Victor Ginzburg's upcoming film adaptation may reveal more.
    #language #fiction #fantasies #diaries
  12. nail fragment from Villa dei Misteri
    In this fragment from Empire V by Viktor Pelevin, the nail symbolizes the tension between perception and reality, as well as the ephemeral nature of meaning. Through Osiris’s explanation, Pelevin explores the philosophical concepts of existence and the nature of objects. The nail itself becomes a metaphor for how we construct meaning through our perception and language.
    #language #fiction #fantasies

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