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34 notes tagged "society"

  1. Trust and the Rituals of Fear 
    This piece reflects on trust and its role in business and life, as a principle for positive change. It critiques how institutions and professional rituals, like NDAs, perpetuate distrust and control.
    #perseverance #change #courage #society
  2. tda-response 
    Charles Eisenstein’s proposal for a Trusted Disclosure Agreement resonated with me because it dismantles fear-based business structures. He shows
    #conversation #substack #society #authority
  3. creative poaching and psychological act of editing
    Michel de Certeau’s concept of “poaching” in The Practice of Everyday Life highlights how reworking cultural materials parallels the transformative
    #creative #artist #society
  4. Shades of Many Colors 
    Trump, Kennedy, Palestine, Us, and Them.
    #society #leadership #ideology
  5. why the lucky stiff
    In The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand, the phrase “Why, the lucky stiff!” is used by the character Gail Wynand (a powerful newspaper mogul who embodies
    #individuality #society #programming
  6. hunger
    I woke up hungry, and there was no good food for me at brekfast at my hotel. Also, no cat, but a mosquito who bit my ankle nonetheless. Mosquitoes
    #values #society #umami #diaries
  7. The One Internet Hack That Could Save Everything 
    It no longer makes sense to speak of free speech in traditional terms. The internet has so transformed the nature of the speaker that the definition
    #society #technology
  8. space between stories
    Hope is a word that can either mean a wishful thinking or a premonition of a possibility. The next generation will have a better life, just not in
    #society #stories #meaning #future
  9. collective obsession with growth
    Curious and perhaps not very subtle correlation between Hillman's words on our obsession with psychological growth and the GDP of economics.
    #archetypes #society #collective #economics
  10. story that gives a powerful reason to live
    We humans live by our shared framing stories and have a deep need for a sense of purpose and meaning. If we do not share an authentic sacred story,
    #stories #meaning #society #future
  11. shared culture and getting our story wrong
    the shared culture of a people serves as a lens that shapes the perceptions and behavior of its members in ways both beneficial and destructive.
    #culture #stories #society
  12. flawed story of economic development
    the reigning story—that economic development brings forth a world of universal prosperity—is deeply flawed Economies were growing financially at the
    #financial #society #economics
  13. a number that is consuming life
    Money is just a number created by humans, with no meaning outside the human mind absorbing intelligent and highly defined living beings to grow its
    #money #currency #society #authority #economics
  14. nomophobia
    Nomophobia — the fear of being without a smartphone — a psychological affliction amplified by the pandemic. Our reliance on smartphones has
    #technology #society
  15. The Fear of Being With a Smartphone
    The integration of smartphones into every aspect of our lives blurs the line between necessity and intrusion. Collecting data on a massive scale during the pandemic sets a precedent with cascading effects on autonomy and societal norms. Time to design human-centric tech systems....Mobile phones transformed from being convenient tools into lifelines for maintaining personal good-standing, leading us to digital slavery.
    #society #technology
  16. bender
    As of this moment, I have been in my forties for a straight 15 hours, five of which I spent sleeping. So far, so good! Today, I am launching a new website and starting a newsletter, sending out its first issue called 'Bender'. Take a look at the latest artwork and subscribe to the emails!
    #society #individuality #spontaneity #reality #letters
  17. Why Coach Introspection?
    Introspection, while potentially yielding valuable self-knowledge, may also lead to self-obsession and chronic rumination. We have to penetrate the layers of appearances and develop the capacity to hold several contradictory or paradoxical ideas about ourselves in our minds at the same time.
    #coaching #introspective #journaling #cartesian #society
  18. What are Us?
    In today’s society, information, facts, and even concepts like “to be” are taken as concrete, but our intuition, emotions, and somatic response —
    #society #coaching #cartesian #introspective #journaling
  19. weaknesses at the core of seemingly strong authoritarian states
    key weaknesses at the core of seemingly strong authoritarian states Russia and China both have argued that liberal democracy is in long-term
    #authority #society #power
  20. the right to dominate
    The Right to Dominate: How Old Ideas About Sovereignty Pose New Challenges for World Order, 2020, Roland Paris (Canadian political scientist) writes
    #authority #society
  21. accumulated sensory and cultural experiences
    (there are) sensory and cultural experiences that we all accumulate through living in a physical and social world; experiences that result from
    #sensory #culture #society
  22. scapegoats challenge collective psyche
    The scapegoat, often individual who are believed to defy the group’s norms or taboos, bears a noticeable trait of an outsider — an attribute that
    #collective #society
  23. tech engineers desire
    engineering desire, is the approach of Silicon Valley, authoritarian governments … happens in labs, with cold, lifeless instruments … use
    #authority #technology #society #culture
  24. be thyself and the ideas of Jesus
    ‘Know thyself’ was written over the portal of the antique world. ‘Be thyself’ — the message of Christ to man 1 — shall be written over the portal of
    #christian #individuality #society
  25. philosophical views of Albert Einstein
    from “Life” Maganize interview, only few months before his death, posted screenshots of the article on bsky … just as Einstein’s ground-breaking
    #quotes #benevolence #society #values
  26. the state as a voluntary association
    There is no such thing as governing mankind, as a wise man once said, there is such a thing as leaving mankind alone. All modes of government are
    #authority #society
  27. Can’t Get You Out of My Head 
    Lucy Mangan (in The Guardian’s review of Curtis’s 2021 series): The six hour-and-bit long documentaries set out to tell no more and no less than how
    #society #culture #film
  28. therapy investigates aggravetes abuse
    Therapy might imagine itself investigating the immediate social causes, even while keeping its vocabulary of abuse and victimization — that we are
    #therapeutic #society #traumatic #memory
  29. east west concepts of evil
    India has a trinity of gods, with a fourth quite outside that trinity, a structure similar to our own Trinity and devil. Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva
    #hindu #triplicity #greek #christian #society
  30. tripod and the evolution of three to four
    Meizumi Roshi, a Zen master in Los Angeles, once said, “Why don’t you die now and enjoy the rest of your life?” The use of tripod and key is a
    #triplicity #fourfold #christian #shadow #society
  31. say my name
    How do we live by the names given to us? How do we choose a name, or should I ask how does the name choose us? I use a mononym — levèlsi — and choose to write it in lowercase letters. This stylistic decision is my way of resisting the authority over personal names.
    #individuality #society #authority
  32. human autonomy and influence
    Unlike an animal, man is not told by instincts what he must do. And unlike man in former times, he is no longer told by traditions what he should
    #mimetic #society #conformity
  33. successful people don’t burden society
    Successful people generally don’t burden the world. Corporate raiders, overpaid CEOs, and tyrannical dictators are the exceptions. Most successful
    #success #society

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