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#phenomenology #therapeutic #discovery #collective ✱ James Hillman

extending individual therapy to collective

We’re not attacking therapy so much as trying to extend it, reveal its blind spots … it’s not the idea of doing therapy that is wrong; there are many who need it desperately, and who may never truly know themselves without it … but therapy’s theoretical base has not gone far enough, has not connected with the world, and without that connection it’s incapable of treating the whole individual

extending individuation into the world of things

Carl Jung has explored the concept of collective psychology seriously, but his path-breaking concepts of synchronicity and the collective unconscious are more descriptions of the phenomena than tools for thought and change. The proof of this is that the concepts are so rarely employed in practice by Jungian therapists

individual impulses felt as compulsion traverses collective

linked mentions for "extending individual therapy to collective":

  1. extending individuation into the world of things
    The only way I can justify still using the term individuation today is by extending it to mean the individuation of each moment in life, each
  2. individual impulses felt as compulsion traverses collective
    We could say that something courses through the collective and is picked up and expressed in different mediums by different individuals, and that
  3. collective obsession with growth
    Curious and perhaps not very subtle correlation between Hillman's words on our obsession with psychological growth and the GDP of economics.