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10 notes tagged "fantasies"

  1. soul and psychological ideas for imaginal world
    Hillman likes the word soul it eludes reductionistic definition; it expresses the mystery of human life; and it connects psychology to religion,
    #imagination #fantasies
  2. brain’s press secretary interpreter module
    All human brains contain an interpreter module whose job is to make sense of experiences by constructing explanations in the form of stories
    #introspective #stories #fantasies #mimetic
  3. psychotherapy assumption processing traumas
    our assumption, our fantasy, in psychoanalysis has been that we’re going to process, we’re going to grow, and we’re going to level things out so
    #fantasies #culture #therapeutic
  4. repressing processing ore of imagination
    creative artists are simply models of people who turn to the imagination to work with things. That’s why one needs to read the biographies of
    #artist #imagination #traumatic #therapeutic #consumerism #fantasies
  5. therapy wordly skills and power
    Explores the contrast between therapy's focus on inner growth and the lack of worldly skills gained, questioning the assumption that personal development directly translates into external power.
    #therapeutic #memory #fantasies #intelligence
  6. fantasy of growth in therapy
    the fantasy of growth that you find in therapy, and also in New Age thought, doesn’t include this awkwardness … when we look at people going through
    #therapeutic #fantasies
  7. archetypal fantasy of ego development
    when we conceive our life story as a Battle for Deliverance from the Great Mother – as Jung called it – we are engaged in heroics; these heroics
    #archetypes #fantasies
  8. therapeutic fiction genre
    fictions are mental constructs, fantasies by means of which we fashion or “fiction” (fingere) a life or a person into a case history Portnoy’s
    #fantasies #fiction #therapeutic
  9. factual history claims literal truth
    … factual history, a true account or knowledge about the “succession of events through which anything passes … a lie when it claims literal truth.
    #fantasies #scientism
  10. continually internalizing and externalizing process
    affirm psychic reality in another way – not by copying the literalistic metaphors, the fantasies of fixity and hardness, that we use for outer
    #fantasies #hindu #reality

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