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11 notes tagged "intelligence"

  1. How to Picture A.I. 
    A technology by itself is never enough. In order for it to be of use, it needs to be accompanied by other elements, such as popular understanding,
    #technology #intelligence #metaphor
  2. therapy wordly skills and power
    Explores the contrast between therapy's focus on inner growth and the lack of worldly skills gained, questioning the assumption that personal development directly translates into external power.
    #therapeutic #memory #fantasies #intelligence
  3. brain spinal column pelvic nerves information transfer
    We get erect or wet as the result of an impressive chain of events: brain perceives a sexual message brain sends a message down the spinal column
    #sexuality #intelligence #emotions
  4. giving sex meaning
    people say that the meaning of, foundation of, or distinctive feature of human sexuality is (meanings that various people and institutions claim sex
    #sexuality #intelligence #meaning #relationship
  5. attunement sense of common experience
    “attunement” is the experience of two (or more) people inhabiting a common psychological space at the same time. People refer to this variously as
    #experiential #sexuality #intelligence
  6. sex like when we were young
    people no longer young (that’s most adults) often want a sex life that matches the one they had — or wanted to have, or believe they should have had
    #sexuality #intelligence #aging
  7. genetalia’s hydraulic capacity
    for most women who want to climax, the vulva, not the vagina, is their best bet. people make too much fuss about the genitalia for two reasons: the
    #sexuality #intelligence #emotions #sensory
  8. perceived rejection in sex
    … the sequence of events some patients take for granted: “You wanted to make love with him … create closeness and pleasure for both of you … And
    #sexuality #intelligence
  9. people don’t talk about what they want from sex
    —either because they don’t have the vocabulary or because they’re embarrassed, hesitant, or scared to use words. If people did talk about what they
    #sexuality #intelligence
  10. clitoris the only organ for pleasure
    the clitoris — the only organ in the human body with absolutely no purpose other than pleasure … most women only climax when this little pearl is
    #sexuality #intelligence
  11. non-sexual needs addressed with sex
    most of us have emotional needs that we try to address with sex (besides pleasure and closeness), but sex is not the best way to satisfy them … a
    #sexuality #intelligence #anxiety #manly #womanly

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