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12 notes tagged "#courage"

  1. ibex  
    The ibex represents strength, endurance, and perseverance when facing challenges. Seeing an ibex in the wild reminds us how magnificent life can be,
    perseverance courage ambiguity
  2. finding courage through community and seeing people as whole  
    In their Adlerian psychology book “The Courage to Be Disliked” Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga review the principles of finding courage through
    Adlerian Japanese belonging dichotomy courage
  3. Semiotic Diaries #03: "Heron"  
    In this letter, I explore the metaphor of a heron overcoming self-doubt and resistance to take flight and follow its dreams. Though facing storms and setbacks, the Heron battles an inner voice of doubt, represented by a croaking frog, which it ultimately silences by devouring. It relates this to doing meaningful creative work by outlining principles from Steven Pressfield's “The War of Art” and “Do the Work.” We must engage with resistance and persist despite difficulty to ship creative and entrepreneurial work. This letter also relates the Heron's journey to Le Guin's “The Eye of the Heron”. Just as the Heron achieves flight through courage and determination, we realize our potential by battling resistance and completing our work.
    album #heroic #journey #courage #distraction #resistance
  4. perverse twins fear and lethargy  
    managing fear through unreflective compliance, or avoidance; lethargy takes many seductive forms … avoid tasks, stay away from what is difficult for
    courage distraction
  5. to show up in the best way we can  
    shift from dependent psychology to psychospiritual independence perverse twins fear and lethargy That is all that life really asks of us, to show up
    journey courage stoic
  6. to be afraid of the powers within  
    Chögyam Trungpa defines the warrior not as an agent of destruction but as one who is “brave” … the definition of bravery: not being afraid of
    courage power
  7. work on one person myself  
    I work on the one person I can work on, myself, to try to render myself more amenable to creative living in the presence of change, ambiguity, and
    #creative #courage #change source: Hollis - Living an Examined Life
  8. work on one person myself  
    I work on the one person I can work on, myself, to try to render myself more amenable to creative living in the presence of change, ambiguity, and
    creative courage change
  9. doubt fuel for change precursor for growth  
    The German word for doubt, Zwedeln (“twoness”), suggests the split we feel when we experience doubt … , which is the precursor for all growth
  10. developmental task of the swampland states  
    we are challenged to grow up, to take on the journey … such enlargement is often terrifying, it is also freeing and brings dignity and meaning to
    journey courage therapeutic
  11. exigencies of childhood vulnerability  
    the literal dependence of terribly vulnerable child on its relationships is profoundly overlearned, overconditioned … it becomes difficult later to
    solitude childhood courage
  12. what to si  
    “C” is not an “a”, and it is not a “b” — this is to suggest that C is consequently flowing and not merely a choice. They don’t have to watch the
    introspective change courage choice poetry

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