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39 notes tagged "diaries"

  1. hunger
    I woke up hungry, and there was no good food for me at brekfast at my hotel. Also, no cat, but a mosquito who bit my ankle nonetheless. Mosquitoes
    #values #society #umami #diaries
  2. Meet Mr. Bearsome
    — Soup Nazi — Pip-boy shrugged
    #drawing #archetypes #diaries
  3. shasta
    at Burning Man play Ms. Ibex sports round goggles on furry pate through the brass an ibex peeks all other festival’s fantastical freaks
    #poetry #drawing #diaries
  4. eighteen thousand photos and videos rescue
    Today I learned how to recover 100 GB of old pictures from “google captivity” with just five lines of text commands in the Terminal. I used Google
    #programming #photography #diaries
  5. unformed adult zelig
    The hero of Woody Allen's mockumentary film, Zelig (1983), is an unformed adult who has no sense of himself. He borrows other people's identity, thinking he can be anybody. Actually, he is without a body.
    #film #mimetic #drawing #embodiment #diaries
  6. handwritten or typewritten journaling
    I might say that handwritten journals excel at rereading. Holding an object that is an evidence of time, an example of craft, and a symbol of
    #journaling #creative #somatic #diaries
  7. senex mirorless camera
    I made a bunch of pictures with Stu by a private pool this morning. I liked many of them, although it appears as a cheap erotica to me, and not that
    #japanese #island #aging #photography #diaries
  8. moving Grammarly documents to markdown folder
    I’ve used Grammarly for the last decade. I was pleased with how quickly they improved their grammar and punctuation checks. The synonym suggestions
    #technology #programming #writing #language #diaries
  9. sym-metry
    Call for symmetry seeks the right aim, but achieves it in the wrong way. The headstrong efforts often lead us into the same drain.
    #feminism #diaries
  10. sur-us-abaya
    Surabaya - a ceaseless cacophony of Adhan and Jingle Bells
    #drawing #diaries
  11. taking a train
    you are taking a train, the trans-Siberian, maybe, that very long trip with many stops, with different views and the same, you are getting out at
    #poetry #diaries
  12. Self-help Poetry
    “Self-help poetry” finds me in the most vulnerable period of my life. I craft a humorous verse and hurriedly send it to a woman in San Francisco,
    #vulnerability #poetry #diaries
  13. discredited witnesses
    My problem is, I love the tea, so I’m drinking too much coffee, I used to oppose that adversely with alcohol boosting nocturnal arc with a goblet
    #poetry #diaries
  14. raised expectations
    I allow myself some raised expectations, chocolate chip cookies for the pride, I shouldn’t. Dancing late at night alone anticipating, joyful
    #poetry #diaries
  15. what to si
    “C” is not an “a”, and it is not a “b” — this is to suggest that C is consequently flowing and not merely a choice. They don’t have to watch the
    #introspective #change #poetry #diaries
  16. chained by wheels dream
    Walking back to the parking lot, I find my car chained to the ground with many small locks hanging off the chain and across the front wheels. I try to drive off forcefully, to break the chain, but it doesn't work out. The restaurant bouncer pops-up. He is tall and strong, I'm not sure if I interacted with him before, but I know why he is coming for.
    #dream #diaries
  17. ok levlc
    This page is a writing pad, something I'm currently working on. It is a draft, and it should look undone and unfinished. Reading this page is a great way to jump into a conversation with me right now, that's why I keep this link in my email signature. Any thoughts?
  18. Hey, Haley
    An “SMS poem” explores sexting and romance in the age of dating apps. Deprived of voice and touch, two people attempt to bridge their differences
    #poetry #programming #diaries
  19. venus in pisces
    We are on top of Venus right now, a Leo and a Pisces, and it's not the safest planet to build our house, although it looks that it casts a powerful spell over both of us.
    #vulnerability #poetry #astrology #diaries
  20. small in the doing
    Reflecting on why I tend to craft big, ambitious plans but feel small in the doing. It got me thinking about the roots of scarcity, how we ended up here from a world of natural abundance, and whether concepts like universal income could help us reconnect with that sense of enoughness.
    #abundance #agriculture #property #diaries
  21. half a year on saturn
    My son Felix was born 15 years ago today. I woke up thinking about how long a period of time “Quince años” was. It was undoubtedly lengthy for him,
    #astrology #imagination #diaries
  22. sgv wisdom of no escape
    What is something physical that you are working on in your practice (skill, awareness to generate, a thing to heal). What are the limiting factors in the present moment (specific, anatomical, connected). What are the tools that can help with these factors. Inner goal. What is the energy you are trying to create or a negative pattern you are working on to transcend. Alchemy. What is the good quality you already have that will help you with that other thing and the tool you learned (during the training) that will help you. Three most important things to grow as a teacher.
    #practice #distraction #diaries
  23. working through gross, unpleasant and awkward
    Working hard doesn't just mean pushing stronger, staying longer or squeezing better. It means going more in-depth with my attention, with my intentions. Walking through gross, unpleasant, awkward, fearful, through things outside of my comfort zone to the "other side."
    #practice #distraction #diaries
  24. ser-cho-ling
    VPL Research founded by Jason Lanier The Tibetan Buddhist practice of Nyungne (“nyoong-nay”) fasting “Ser Cho Ling”; Lama Wangchen Rinpoche
    #buddhist #reading #film #diaries
  25. five mile hike up the North Tip Oahu
    I feel that I understand Hawaii better now. It is a little bit hard to see through the flock of the tourists from the mainland and Japan. Through the atmospheric youthful pride of surfers and teenage girls Instagramming in bikinis. And I still don't agree with the price. I've seen similar beauty and social challenges with different markup.
  26. dibs on a bottle of wine
    I’ve been thinking here for a minute about how I could start the “new journal” in a more uncomfortable way. Sharing something dishonourable seems
    #vulnerability #addiction #island #diaries
  27. feel great naked
    Recollection of how I dropped ¼ of my body weight in under a year, transitioning from a compulsive eater to a low carb nutrition advocate, explores the power of sustainable practices over quick fixes.
    #journey #umami #restorying #diaries
  28. Golden Calf and turning 35
    In just 30 days, I’ll be 35. A curious milestone, as 3+5 brings me to 8, a number of infinite cycles and new beginnings. I’m reflecting on my birth
    #hebrew #numbers #symbols #diaries
  29. drunkard’s search
    A policeman sees a drunk man searching for something under a streetlight and asks what the drunk has lost. He says he lost his keys and they both look under the streetlight together. After a few minutes the policeman asks if he is sure he lost them here, and the drunk replies, no, and that he lost them in the park. The policeman asks why he is searching here, and the drunk replies, "this is where the light is".
    #hindu #introspective #philosophical #diaries
  30. Pelevin Empire V
    A reflection on Pelevin’s Empire V, exploring the philosophical depth and unique language of the Russian book, comparing key chapter Villa dei Misteri in English and Russian, to assess the translation’s ability to convey Pelevin’s style, including his use of matershchina and the word bablós. Hope Victor Ginzburg's upcoming film adaptation may reveal more.
    #language #fiction #fantasies #diaries
  31. The 180 Dollar Chromebook
    In this personal reflection, I share how Chrome is the new Mac (people just don’t know it yet!), and why I traded my 2000 dollar MacBook for a 180 dollar Chromebook. As someone constantly on the move, I’ve realised that less is truly more when it comes to tech on the road. With cloud computing and lightweight devices, I’ve found freedom in carrying less and doing more. This is my journey of rethinking value and embracing simplicity in a world that often values excess.
    #journey #itinerant #minimalism #technology #diaries
  32. raven and seagull
    strongest wind gusts a seagull hangs in the air over the sea effortlessly, he appears dead makes no other moves, he glides like a kite raven shows
    #poetry #diaries
  33. reading Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
    “This was not something to think about,” he later said. “This was something to do: to close your eyes, hold your breath, jump in, and come out the
    #technology #biographical #diaries

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