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6 notes tagged "vulnerability"

  1. Self-help Poetry
    “Self-help poetry” finds me in the most vulnerable period of my life. I craft a humorous verse and hurriedly send it to a woman in San Francisco,
    #vulnerability #poetry #diaries
  2. practicing man
    Resistance to act initially protects one's uniqueness. Vulnerability is redefined as a strength in the artistic process, enabling communication and trust with inner signals. Mastery emerges through daily practice, as the artist climbs inner mountains, embracing self-discovery, and cultivating meaning. It's about giving oneself permission, embracing vulnerability, and finding belonging in the process of selfless service
    #poetry #resistance #vulnerability #creative #artist
  3. The Art of Condescending
    Did anyone ever accuse you of being condescending? The word itself feels like a shirt worn backwards. It happened to me recently, in a late-night
    #vulnerability #authority #language #power
  4. venus in pisces
    We are on top of Venus right now, a Leo and a Pisces, and it's not the safest planet to build our house, although it looks that it casts a powerful spell over both of us.
    #vulnerability #poetry #astrology #diaries
  5. dibs on a bottle of wine
    I’ve been thinking here for a minute about how I could start the “new journal” in a more uncomfortable way. Sharing something dishonourable seems
    #vulnerability #addiction #island #diaries

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