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9 notes tagged "aging"

  1. can the world be improved
    The awkward interface where the metaphysical intersects, interacts, and intermingles with the material, where the subtle meets the obvious, and
    #ocean #buddhist #aging
  2. senex mirorless camera
    I made a bunch of pictures with Stu by a private pool this morning. I liked many of them, although it appears as a cheap erotica to me, and not that
    #japanese #island #aging #photography #diaries
  3. sex like when we were young
    people no longer young (that’s most adults) often want a sex life that matches the one they had — or wanted to have, or believe they should have had
    #sexuality #intelligence #aging
  4. new faculty of four-dimensional consciousness
    Every man of consciousness is somewhere on this journey, and it is of immeasurable help to know where you are on the scale of evolution. Almost all
    #journey #seriousman #suffering #simpleman #aging
  5. Senex and puer in Hillman
    Senex is a style of life and thought characterised by a sense of time and history, a concern for order, a love of tradition, and a tendency toward
    #aging #archetypes #opposition
  6. reclaiming land from the sea
    The true work of man in the latter part of his life is the cultural process of bringing up some of the contents of the unconscious and integrating
    #ocean #fourfold #aging
  7. homunculus and euphorion
    Made by Wagner — a man the size of a thumb (the second appearance of the puer aeternis). In Faust’s second, less personal and brief marriage with
    #aging #archetypes
  8. linger, thou art fair
    In Christopher Marlowe’s play “The Tragedy of Dr. Faustus” (late sixteenth century) Faust was to pay for twenty-four years of restored youth by
    #aging #shadow #suffering
  9. materialism - not a solution for the unlived youthfulness
    The American ideal of perpetual youthfulness dies very hard in us. We are so materialistic and so enamored of the power of will that we refuse to
    #reality #aging #materialism

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