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7 notes tagged "drawing"

  1. now
    Interspersing writing, drawing, reading, and practicing keeps my ideas fresh and creativity sharp. Breaks from projects let solutions emerge. Small iterative improvements prevent burnout and sustain momentum. Working on multiple projects brings new insights and richer outcomes.
    #drawing #coaching #spontaneity
  2. Meet Mr. Bearsome
    — Soup Nazi — Pip-boy shrugged
    #drawing #archetypes #diaries
  3. duotons
    — is a series of artworks that summons forth the soulful characters, each one an avatar I must then clothe in words. Most arise spontaneously,
    #drawing #individuality #archetypes
  4. no random for you
    I had to disable random page generator on my site, because it didn't work as expected, and replace it with a “Soup Nazi" duoton drawing
    #drawing #film #comedy
  5. shasta
    at Burning Man play Ms. Ibex sports round goggles on furry pate through the brass an ibex peeks all other festival’s fantastical freaks
    #poetry #drawing #diaries
  6. unformed adult zelig
    The hero of Woody Allen's mockumentary film, Zelig (1983), is an unformed adult who has no sense of himself. He borrows other people's identity, thinking he can be anybody. Actually, he is without a body.
    #film #mimetic #drawing #embodiment #diaries
  7. sur-us-abaya
    Surabaya - a ceaseless cacophony of Adhan and Jingle Bells
    #drawing #diaries

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