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8 notes tagged "conformity"

  1. wanting what we already have
    “People take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience—even of silence—by choice … The weasel lives in necessity and we live in choice, hating
    #sufficiency #choice #conformity
  2. change conformity, disobedience, and novelty
    original virtue through disobedience art as mode of individualism to create for the artistic joy public beauty and novelty change predictable human
    #change #disobedience #artist #conformity
  3. public beauty and novelty
    The one thing that the public dislike is novelty. The vitality and progress of art depend in a large measure on the continual extension of
    #culture #artist #conformity
  4. perfections charity and conformity
    There are as many perfections as there are imperfect men. And while to the claims of charity a man may yield and yet be free, to the claims of
  5. conformity and artistic novelty
    Most people go through their lives in a sort of coarse comfort, like petted animals, without ever realising that they are probably thinking other
    #culture #artist #conformity
  6. picaresque mode parody of the individuation
    the realm of picaresque reflection, of seeing through every established stance, yet without moral implication … to the society which to the
    #individuality #culture #conformity
  7. the etiology of the existential vacuum
    in contrast to an animal, no drives and instincts tell man what he must do .. unlike man in former times, he is no longer told what he should do by
    #conformity #existential #mimetic #dichotomy #authority
  8. human autonomy and influence
    Unlike an animal, man is not told by instincts what he must do. And unlike man in former times, he is no longer told by traditions what he should
    #mimetic #society #conformity

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