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8 notes tagged "shadow"

  1. tempering of one by the other  
    … the only redemption for either of a pair of opposites is the tempering of one by the other. Faust is redeemed by the love of Gretchen;
    opposition shadow archetypes manly
  2. tripod and the evolution of three to four  
    Meizumi Roshi, a Zen master in Los Angeles, once said, “Why don’t you die now and enjoy the rest of your life?” The use of tripod and key is a
    triplicity fourfold christian shadow society
  3. Faust, an encounter with the shadow  
    Goethe’s Faust, picks up where Hamlet lost the battle and takes us on to that higher consciousness often called redemption. … guide to lead us out
    shadow archetypes individuality spirituality
  4. in the beginning was the act  
    When Faust changes his translation of the beginning line of the Gospel (John 1:1) from “In the beginning was the Word” to “In the beginning was the
    christian shadow seriousman
  5. linger, thou art fair  
    In Christopher Marlowe’s play “The Tragedy of Dr. Faustus” (late sixteenth century) Faust was to pay for twenty-four years of restored youth by
    aging shadow suffering
  6. hamlet’s failure to incorporate shadow  
    Hamlet’s basic error was his failure to incorporate his shadow or dark side into his working life … to acknowledge as an ally the “red blood” of his
    seriousman shadow
  7. poison in the desk drawer  
    Faust kept a vial of poison in the back of his desk drawer, anticipating the moment of hopelessness, feeling of loneliness and meaningless reach an
    reality suffering heroic shadow
  8. the faustian transformation  
    Faust and Mephistopheles, a pair as opposite as black and white. The tension between them alerts us to the most important lesson in Faust: that all
    opposition shadow

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