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8 notes tagged "fourfold"

  1. the four quarters
    combining the four signs Unification of mind; joining feeling and essence, real knowledge and conscious knowledge. Also sometimes defined as
    #taoist #fourfold #individuality
  2. the fortieth solar return
    I used to have nice and peaceful days in the month leading up to my birthday, but in the last several years, starting with the first summer of
    #fourfold #astrology #programming
  3. four directions independent and opposed aspects
    four causes of Aristotle: formal, efficient, material, and final “aspect” implies a direction from which something is viewed. to decide which
    #fourfold #astrology
  4. four kinds of relationship between knower and known
    the uncertainty principle: to know something about an object, an observer must act upon, and thus disturb it … act of knowing is thus a transaction
    #fourfold #reality #knowledge
  5. reclaiming land from the sea
    The true work of man in the latter part of his life is the cultural process of bringing up some of the contents of the unconscious and integrating
    #ocean #fourfold #aging
  6. tripod and the evolution of three to four
    Meizumi Roshi, a Zen master in Los Angeles, once said, “Why don’t you die now and enjoy the rest of your life?” The use of tripod and key is a
    #triplicity #fourfold #christian #shadow #society
  7. complex man in hamlet
    Shakespeare defined complex man with unerring accuracy in Hamlet. a stage higher on the evolutionary scale represented by H., the worried, anxious,
    #seriousman #suffering #existential #opposition #triplicity #fourfold
  8. four-stage creative process model
    traditional four-stage model is far too simplistic … The Art of Thought, British social psychologist Graham Wallas, proposed that the creative
    #creative #fourfold

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