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17 notes tagged "reality"

  1. Semiotic Diaries #01: "Bender"  
    As of this moment, I have been in my forties for a straight 15 hours, five of which I spent sleeping. So far, so good! Today, I am launching a new website and starting a newsletter, sending out its first issue called "Bender." Take a look at the latest artwork and subscribe to the emails!
    album #society #individuality #spontaneity #postdigital #reality
  2. bender  
    As of this moment, I have been in my forties for a straight 15 hours, five of which I spent sleeping. So far, so good! Today, I am launching a new website and starting a newsletter, sending out its first issue called "Bender." Take a look at the latest artwork and subscribe to the emails!
    society individuality spontaneity reality letters
  3. four kinds of relationship between knower and known  
    the uncertainty principle: to know something about an object, an observer must act upon, and thus disturb it … act of knowing is thus a transaction
    fourfold reality knowledge
  4. triune task insight courage endurance  
    finding personal authority requires two things: sorting through the traffic within and living what we find with courage and consistency Jung
    perseverance reality triplicity
  5. autonomous system that supports alignment  
    wholeness involves aligning our outer choices with our inner reality. When the path we are on is right for our souls, the energy is there. When what
    reality choice resistance
  6. observing world through alternative lens  
    in any moment, we view the world through a distorting lens and make choices based on what the lens allows us to see, not what lies outside its frame
    imagination reality
  7. tendencies to literalise and scorn science  
    One strong tendency of the vocational schools was to literalize with the scientific information about anatomy and physiology … Another tendency was
    reality scientism
  8. attitude which interiorizes inner events  
    way we imagine our lives is the way we are going to go on living our lives … we tell ourselves about what is going on is the genre through which
    imagination fiction reality
  9. masochistic enjoyment of psychological horrors  
    senselessness derives from a breakdown in the thematic motif: it no longer holds events together and gives them sense, … provides the mode of
    experiential fiction hermetism reality
  10. continually internalizing and externalizing process  
    affirm psychic reality in another way – not by copying the literalistic metaphors, the fantasies of fixity and hardness, that we use for outer
    fantasies hindu reality
  11. mimesis  
    a term used in literary criticism and philosophy: imitation, nonsensuous similarity, receptivity, representation, mimicry, the act of
    reality mimetic philosophical
  12. materialism - not a solution for the unlived youthfulness  
    The American ideal of perpetual youthfulness dies very hard in us. We are so materialistic and so enamored of the power of will that we refuse to
    reality aging materialism
  13. two-dimensional man don quixote  
    Don Quixote (Cervantes) a man so enamored of the simple ways of two-dimensional man — medieval man — that he took on the finery of knighthood and
    medieval opposition reality simpleman
  14. poison in the desk drawer  
    Faust kept a vial of poison in the back of his desk drawer, anticipating the moment of hopelessness, feeling of loneliness and meaningless reach an
    reality suffering heroic shadow
  15. quantum mysticism salvador dali  
    Tesseract, Four-dimensional space, Four-dimensionalism philosophy “Research using virtual reality finds that humans, in spite of living in a
    mysticism reality artist
  16. theory of reality in holographic universe  
    Michael Talbot died of leukemia in 1992 at age 38, wrote “The Delicate Dependency” frequently appearing on lists of the best vampire novels ever
    reality fiction cartesian
  17. steep road from obscurity to oblivion  
    “Castaneda’s most beautiful trick was based on the popular belief in the existence of fiction and nonfiction. This belief takes it for granted that
    fiction reality

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