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9 notes tagged "community"

  1. self-interest versus the common good
    those two impulses are mutually exclusive, although certain circumstances allow them to appear complementary extreme self-interest (selfishness,
    #egocentric #altruism #community
  2. the natural process of death and decay
    a significant component of nutrient-rich organic soil, on which we humans depend to grow plant crops, is the decayed corpses of insects. Recent
  3. self-sufficient villages not families
    for thousands of year’s no family was self-sufficient, each - a working unit, a part of the larger working unit, which was the community. Tribes and
    #family #coliving #community #ludens #relationship
  4. individual neighbours separated actual self
    family I won’t accept these simple opposites—either individual self in control or a totalitarian , mindless mob. This kind of fantasy keeps us
    #family #authority #community #dionysian
  5. convivo ergo sum
    The idea of self has to be redefined. Even if this inner divine is disguised as a self-steering, autonomous, homeostatic, balancing mechanism; or
    #cartesian #theology #community #imagination
  6. community and authority over art
    The barbarous conception of authority and the recognition of popular authority are fatal. It comes from the natural inability of a community
    #authority #individuality #artist #community
  7. work at personal relationship and love
    Another thing that therapy pushes is “relationship . You think you’re going to die if you’re … not being in a significant, long-lasting, deep
    #relationship #belonging #community #expectations
  8. to live consumerism rather than community
    the uprooted and hurried condition of modern city life and impersonal work have created a social condition of anomie We have become mere numbers. We
    #urabnism #consumerism #community

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