attitude which interiorizes inner events
- way we imagine our lives is the way we are going to go on living our lives … we tell ourselves about what is going on is the genre through which events become experiences. … history as stories of outer events and fiction as stories of inner events (inscapes) … biography of the soul concerns experience … not to follow the one-way direction of the flow of time, and it is reported best … concentric helter-skelter pointing always beyond itself … where “inner” no longer means private and owned by a self or a soul or an ego, … not a literalised place inside a subject, but the subjectivity in events and that attitude which interiorizes those events, goes into them in search of psychological depths … having literalised the outer, I had to literalise and harden the inner
- continually internalizing and externalizing process
linked mentions for "attitude which interiorizes inner events":
continually internalizing and externalizing process
affirm psychic reality in another way – not by copying the literalistic metaphors, the fantasies of fixity and hardness, that we use for outer
affirm psychic reality in another way – not by copying the literalistic metaphors, the fantasies of fixity and hardness, that we use for outer