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5 notes tagged "opposition"

  1. tempering of one by the other
    … the only redemption for either of a pair of opposites is the tempering of one by the other. Faust is redeemed by the love of Gretchen;
    #opposition #shadow #archetypes #manly
  2. Senex and puer in Hillman
    Senex is a style of life and thought characterised by a sense of time and history, a concern for order, a love of tradition, and a tendency toward
    #aging #archetypes #opposition
  3. complex man in hamlet
    Shakespeare defined complex man with unerring accuracy in Hamlet. a stage higher on the evolutionary scale represented by H., the worried, anxious,
    #seriousness #suffering #existential #opposition #triplicity #fourfold
  4. two-dimensional man don quixote
    Don Quixote (Cervantes) a man so enamored of the simple ways of two-dimensional man — medieval man — that he took on the finery of knighthood and
    #medieval #opposition #reality #simpleman
  5. the faustian transformation
    Faust and Mephistopheles, a pair as opposite as black and white. The tension between them alerts us to the most important lesson in Faust: that all
    #opposition #shadow

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