four kinds of relationship between knower and known
- the uncertainty principle: to know something about an object, an observer must act upon, and thus disturb it … act of knowing is thus a transaction between the object and the knower which involves physical exchanges of energy … dynamic confrontation between knower and known, with the addition oft h e two kinds of relation between them - the objective information (sense d a t a coming from the object
- causes, categories, or kinds of relationships between an observer and an object (our basic categories of knowing, or four aspects of a situation):
- AA) contained within the object, its formal description (objective general);
- AB) the sense data (D) received from the object by direct encounter, such as weight, color, texture (objective particular);
- BA) qualities (values) which the knower projects (P) upon the object (projective general)1;
- BB) the function of the object to the knower, knower’s interest (projective particular).
- only (AA) is considered valid and useful in the scientific view for a valid description .. scientific knowledge is derived from observations, but is different from them.
- four directions independent and opposed aspects
supplanting the word “subjective” by “projective” — earlier implies a personal description, with the possibility of illusion, while later implies only that which is not objective, and leaves aside the question of reality↩︎
linked mentions for "four kinds of relationship between knower and known":
introspection is not an inner perception
The term introspection continue to be used to refer to our first-person understanding that we hold with regard to our own minds, as oppose to
what to si
“C” is not an “a”, and it is not a “b” — this is to suggest that C is consequently flowing and not merely a choice. They don’t have to watch the
four directions independent and opposed aspects
four causes of Aristotle: formal, efficient, material, and final “aspect” implies a direction from which something is viewed. to decide which
projection and transference two dynamics of relationships
a projection is a mechanism whereby our psychological contents leave us … seeking an object — a person, an institution, a role — upon which to
excitation and commitment to self-knowing
There is nothing wrong with knowledge. What’s wrong is an incessant, unrelenting need to know, which is related to a compulsive need for power. The
The term introspection continue to be used to refer to our first-person understanding that we hold with regard to our own minds, as oppose to
“C” is not an “a”, and it is not a “b” — this is to suggest that C is consequently flowing and not merely a choice. They don’t have to watch the
four causes of Aristotle: formal, efficient, material, and final “aspect” implies a direction from which something is viewed. to decide which
a projection is a mechanism whereby our psychological contents leave us … seeking an object — a person, an institution, a role — upon which to
There is nothing wrong with knowledge. What’s wrong is an incessant, unrelenting need to know, which is related to a compulsive need for power. The