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7 notes tagged "metaphor"

  1. How to Picture A.I. 
    A technology by itself is never enough. In order for it to be of use, it needs to be accompanied by other elements, such as popular understanding,
    #technology #intelligence #metaphor
  2. differences between attention and introspection
    Attention is an amazingly plastic capacity, but one may argue that our common-sense, metaphor-driven understanding of attention does not accurately
    #attention #introspective #metaphor
  3. spotlight visual attention metaphor
    metaphor of a “spotlight” of visual attention, Plato’s Allegory of the Cave (fire-cast shadows) and Crick’s thalamic spotlight, both are unifying
    #platonism #metaphor
  4. introspection is not an inner perception
    The term introspection continue to be used to refer to our first-person understanding that we hold with regard to our own minds, as oppose to
    #knowledge #introspective #metaphor
  5. a fish doesn’t know it’s in water
    metaphors for the idea of someone being unaware of their environment due to a lack of external perspective: “A fish doesn’t know it’s in water.”
  6. the lived body is the key to intuitive knowledge
    students can be shown techniques, but ultimately they must devise their own: the lived body is the key to intuitive knowledge … students must find
    #embodiment #intuition #metaphor
  7. hero stays on top of any story
    Patricia Berry considers that narrative as such cannot help but reflect the ego’s concerns, because narrative is essentially the genre of the hero
    #heroic #metaphor

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