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7 notes tagged "stories"

  1. space between stories
    Hope is a word that can either mean a wishful thinking or a premonition of a possibility. The next generation will have a better life, just not in
    #society #stories #meaning #future
  2. brain’s press secretary interpreter module
    All human brains contain an interpreter module whose job is to make sense of experiences by constructing explanations in the form of stories
    #introspective #stories #fantasies #mimetic
  3. pervasive tendency to rationalize
    While we may not be entirely or irredeemably self-deceived, we are often rewarded for acting on selfish impulses yet less so for acknowledging them,
    #rational #meaning #stories #mimetic
  4. story that gives a powerful reason to live
    We humans live by our shared framing stories and have a deep need for a sense of purpose and meaning. If we do not share an authentic sacred story,
    #stories #meaning #society #future
  5. shared culture and getting our story wrong
    the shared culture of a people serves as a lens that shapes the perceptions and behavior of its members in ways both beneficial and destructive.
    #culture #stories #society
  6. sacred money and markets story
    Every day on every consequential news outlet, similar programs focus our attention on how the financial economy is doing. Any mention of how people
  7. imaging god why and how it matters
    imagined community of russians

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