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6 notes tagged "myth"

  1. myths and constitutional types  
    We can make connections between some of the myths and William Sheldon’s constitutional types. Each of us is a combination of all three. Each of us
    somatic myth triplicity archetypes
  2. subdued images of vitality  
    When we live concepts and images that are not grounded in our body, we do not believe in who we are unformed adult zelig two terms: image and
    somatic myth
  3. hero quest unifying pattern  
    one of the two great unifying mythic patterns (the other being the Eternal Return, the death-rebirth cycle), is the mythologem of the hero quest,
    journey myth heroic
  4. we have never been liberal  
    Trump: the injection of racist, misogynistic, and xenophobic language into legitimate discourse threatens to undo strides made toward social
    authority philosophical myth
  5. dissonance of maximum amplitude  
    Leon Festinger, who in 1957 invented the theory of cognitive dissonance, named this a dissonance of maximum amplitude. The mind creates stories to
    myth emotions
  6. once born and twice born  
    The Parsifal myth teaches us that experience stimulates deep bodily truths … that urge us to form a personal self. When you know this, you begin a
    myth embodiment

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