11 notes tagged "seriousness"
in praise of ambiguity
“In Praise of Ambiguity” is a discourse that explores the significance of play and seriousness in life, as well as the relationship between the two.
new faculty of four-dimensional consciousness
Every man of consciousness is somewhere on this journey, and it is of immeasurable help to know where you are on the scale of evolution. Almost all
holding onto helen’s garment
It is the universal experience of one on the path to grasp at the tools of genius when he encounters these sublime realms. Pain often compels us to
comments from tolstoy and blyth
Tolstoy wrote about suffering: “He was suffering the anguish men suffer when they persist in undertaking a task impossible for them–not from its
in the beginning was the act
When Faust changes his translation of the beginning line of the Gospel (John 1:1) from “In the beginning was the Word” to “In the beginning was the
hamlet’s isolation, uncertain man
Hamlet, the very epitome of the uncertain man, cannot make up his mind whether to live or die! He cannot live; he dares not die. He tortures
anima and animus in hamlet
“He who understands the masculine and keeps to the feminine shall become the whole world’s channel. Eternal virtue shall not depart from him and he
Moment of utter collapse, kafka
For a man who has been locked up in his “Hamlet isolation” for half a lifetime, the experience of human warmth and closeness is a reprieve from
complex man in hamlet
Shakespeare defined complex man with unerring accuracy in Hamlet. a stage higher on the evolutionary scale represented by H., the worried, anxious,
hamlet’s failure to incorporate shadow
Hamlet’s basic error was his failure to incorporate his shadow or dark side into his working life … to acknowledge as an ally the “red blood” of his
hamlet as prototype of a modern man
A few moments before his death, Hamlet comes to an awareness of a consciousness beyond his neurotic split and indecision (that which is greater than
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