Pelevin Villa dei Misteri
- “Did people come up with the idea of God, or did they discover that he exists?” (люди придумали бога или решили что он есть?)
- “One of these fractions is called “the universe”. Another is called “truth”. A third is called “God”.” (Три фракции: вселенная, истина, бог)
- “ ’if God exists, he does not want to exist for us. And if he does not want to exist for us, it follows that for us he does not.”
- “God is a creator. Words also create.” (бог это создатель, слова тоже создают). “Creation and reflection are the same thing.” (Создавать и отражать - это одно и тоже). “ It seems to us that words reflect the world in which we live, but in reality they create it, in the same way as words create God. It is for this reason that God changes so fundamentally according to the dialectics of language.” (Нам кажется что слова отражают мир в которым мы живем, но в действительности они его создают, точно так же слова создают бога, именно поэтому бог так сильно меняется вместе с диалектами языка)
- “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1) 1
- “God” is the word which creates God.”
- “God is present in us. But we are not present in him.” (бог в нас присутствует, но мы в нем нет)
- “When you are young there is so much wonderful music to be heard, … Or, take women. When you are young, they seem irresistibly attractive. … truth resides within us” (… в юности всегда много хорошей музыки, в молодости всегда много красивых женщин … истина в нас самих).
- “Truth is essentially chemical, not metaphysical. So long as you possess sufficient life-force, you will always be able to find the necessary verbal forms to reflect it. You can always think up a combination of words that will provoke the required excitation in your neuronal pathways, and that you will experience as the blessed breath of truth. But in fact, precisely which words are used is of little importance because one word is much the same as another: all words are merely mirrors in which the mind is reflected.” (Истина имеет не метафизическую а химическую природу, до тех пор пока в тебе достаточно жизненной силы для нее всегда найдется словесное выражение, всегда можно будет придумать заклинание вызывающее в нейронных цепях твоего мозга возбуждение, которое будет переживаться как священное дыхание истины, а какими будут слова не играет большой роли потому что все слова равны друг другу - это просто это зеркала в которых отражается ум)
- “but what occupies it (mind) can be any meaningless abstraction you fancy. “What is truth?” “Does God exist?” “Where did the world come from?” – all that nonsense” (объектом работы мозга может стать любая абстракция: есть ли бог, откуда взялся мир ).
- “Multiplied by parallel mirrors, these questions grow into unrecognisable distortions, undergo a phase shift, and at a certain moment come to be recognised as answers to themselves. Then a wave of excitation passes along the brain’s neuronal pathways, and the man concludes that he has hit on the truth. For that reason all human truths have the same equation format, in which one concept hooks on to another. “God is spirit.” “Death is inevitable.” “Two twos make four.” “E=mc2”. There is no particular harm in this, but if there are too many of these equations the output of bablos falls.” (эти вопросы неузнаваемо искажаются и в определенной момент осознаются в качестве ответа сами на себя … и человек считает что нашел истину … все человеческие истины имеют формат уравнения где одно понятие замыкается на другое. Если таких уравнений становится слишком много - падает выработка “баблоса” … )
- “ But the general idea is that the non-productive part of the Mind “B” operating cycle should take up as little time as possible. If things are set up as they should be, people will not spend time seeking God. All the God they need is waiting for them in church – next to the collection box. ” (Общий смысл в том чтобы холостая фаза … была как можно короче … человек не ищет бога - бог ждет его в церкве у ящика для монет … )
- “No need to strain yourself,’ smiled Osiris. ’The most important thing you should understand is that you don’t understand. What is the point of trying to understand something when you already know everything? One drop of bablos will explain more than ten years of philosophical discussions.” (зачем тебе что-то понимать когда ты уже все знаешь, одна капля “баблоса” объясняет больше чем 10 лет философских разговоров)
- “Our planet is no prison. It is a very large house. A magical house. It may have a dungeon somewhere in the basement, but taken all in all it is God’s palace. … It is simply that no one knows in which rooms in the house he lives because he is constantly moving. All that is known is that any room that he enters is clean, and bright, and has a light burning in it. But there are also rooms into which he never goes, and as time goes by there are more and more of them.” (планета дворец бога с множеством комнат, никто не знает в каких комнатах дворца живет бог, есть комнаты где он не бывает никогда … комната может пригласить в себя бога а может вашу кампанию … )
- “Every room naturally inclines to the divine. But the majority of them, as a result of the glamour and the discourse, have come to the conclusion that it all comes down to interior design” (по природе любая комната хочет божественного но из-за гламура и дискурса большинство комнат решило что все дело в дизайне интерьера …)
- “Osiris listened to my account of the Red Ceremony with the supercilious smile of a seasoned psychonaut hearing his neighbour’s small son tell of his first experience with a cigarette end stolen from an ashtray.”
This “picking” (clip) is a fragment from my personal journal and is published for private use and for educational purpose only, not intended as a distribution of any of the materials linked.
linked mentions for "Pelevin Villa dei Misteri":
Pelevin Empire V
A reflection on Pelevin’s Empire V, exploring the philosophical depth and unique language of the Russian book, comparing key chapter Villa dei Misteri in English and Russian, to assess the translation’s ability to convey Pelevin’s style, including his use of matershchina and the word bablós. Hope Victor Ginzburg's upcoming film adaptation may reveal more.