21 search results for "Edward Maupin"
Mar 2018
‘Chakras,’ or energy centers had been described in the esoteric literature of kundalini yoga or Chinese alchemy
western zen watts suzuki
Nov 2021
The Anglican priest, Alan Watts, wrote books which translated the Zen viewpoint into Western terms, while D. T. Suzuki, a Japanese philosopher, was #japanese
visually dominance hearing and touch
Nov 2021
Many people are visually dominant. Seeing is their main way of knowing, which influences the way they think (sharply separated objects), and how #sensory
third wave humanistic psychology
Nov 2021
“Third Wave” in psychology. Psychoanalysis (studied neurotic pathology) and Behaviorism (discard personal experience altogether) had held the stage #therapeutic
the lived body is the key to intuitive knowledge
Nov 2021
students can be shown techniques, but ultimately they must devise their own: the lived body is the key to intuitive knowledge … students must find #embodiment
tendencies to literalise and scorn science
Nov 2021
One strong tendency of the vocational schools was to literalise with the scientific information about anatomy and physiology … Another tendency was #reality
somatics educate what it means to be human
Nov 2021
The somatic insights seem peculiarly relevant to a new kind of humanities education. Just when the humanities seem almost defunct in academic #somatic
somatic movement founders esalen workshops
Nov 2021
“founders” the teachers and innovators who were teaching at that time, such as Rolf, Lowen, Selver, Whitehouse, and Fritz Perls, had their own #somatic
somatic interest studies and practices
Nov 2021
“Somatics” or “Somatic Studies” for the field of knowledge thus derived, and “Somatic Practices” for its practical applications. Somatic practices #somatic
sense of physical presence kinaesthetic
Nov 2021
The skeletal-muscular senses bring a particular component to our sense of physical presence, kinaesthetic techniques (T’ai Chi, Aikido, #sensory
platonic ideas somatic education and soul
Nov 2021
the real progenitor of somatic education was Plato, whose philosophy of Soul, or intrinsic, organic, individual Being is just what is most central #platonism
neo-romantic period 1960s
Nov 2021
“Neo-Romantic” which links it to other periods in history in which individual (authenticity), subjective experience has been given special #individuality
liberation of vital energy theme blake and reich
Nov 2021
the liberation of vital energy theme , is one of the major motifs of our intellectual heritage. Freedom is our goal, and natural life is our #theology
experience link sense of physical presence
Nov 2021
embodiment - a state in which every aspect of experience maintains some link with one’s sense of physical presence, or “lived body,” it is not #embodiment
embodied state implies the embodied learner
Nov 2021
The embodied state implies the “embodied learner,” who, once aroused, is the Real thing: a human being in touch with essential, core responses. The #embodiment
earlier human potential workshops and divine
Nov 2021
earlier human potential workshops were guided by a general assumption that one must face one’s fears and limitations in order to “break through” to #dionysian
body epiphany the somatic insight
Nov 2021
a particular experience, the “body epiphany,” (less dramatically, the “Somatic Insight,” an initial discovery of the body/mind unity, a discovery #somatic
becoming aware of your living process
Nov 2021
embodiment involves coming into contact with here-and-now experience, loosening the grip of thinking and becoming aware of one’s living process. A #embodiment
attention to the subjective or phenomenological body
Nov 2021
composed of people who work with the subjective or phenomenological body for various purposes, such as healing, education, and self-discovery … #somatic
kerouac and existential freedom
Nov 2021
Jack Kerouac published “On the Road” in 1957 and The Dharma Bums in 1960, expressing a mode of immediacy and unconstraint which inspired a #existential
body mind experience and descartes
Nov 2021
phenomenology of the body refutes Descartes' dualism on the basis of the body/mind experience Descartes was attempting to organise. He has also #phenomenology