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12 search results for "2024-10"

  1. principles page project 
    The Principles Page Project invites you to make a public commitment to yourself and your community. By clearly defining and sharing your core values, you create accountability and align your actions with personal and professional integrity. This page becomes a tool for intentional living, fostering authentic connections and supporting a more grounded way of navigating the digital world.
  2. How I Fixed Medium’s Query Parameter Issue
    Earlier I created an "About page" on Medium with several inline links back to my notes on But I noticed that all the links started
    #programming #medium #nudged
  3. symbolic living
    Symbolic living is an experiential and phenomenological approach to life and personal psychology that emphasises being present with what is, rather
    #introspective #symbols #spontaneity #subject
  4. principles page home 
    Create a principles page on your site to share your core values and beliefs. Project explores rituals, integrity, and introspection, showing how defining your principles shapes your vocation and life.
    #introspective #transparency #restorying
  5. creative poaching and psychological act of editing
    Michel de Certeau’s concept of “poaching” in The Practice of Everyday Life highlights how reworking cultural materials parallels the transformative
    #creative #artist #society
  6. aesthetics
    Aesthetics is a idea that underscores the profound connection between beauty and psychological well-being. I believe that the environments we
    #design #minimalism #beauty
  7. self-direction
    Self-Direction is a cornerstone of my personal philosophy, emphasizing the importance of autonomy in learning and living. I don’t dismiss the value
    #autotelic #learning #practice #subject
  8. inner ecology
    Inner Ecology is based on the understanding that everything I consume — whether food, ideas, relationships, or experiences — becomes a part of me
    #technology #consumerism #choice #subject
  9. family of choice
    Family of Choice is the idea that resonates deeply with me at this stage of my life. Growing up in a small but challenging family environment, I
    #belonging #collaborate #collective #subject
  10. co-creation
    Co-creation is a collaborative approach that emphasises designing with others rather than for them, rejecting top-down models that impose solutions
    #belonging #collaborate #systems #subject
  11. principles
    An ongoing exercise of radical introspection expressed through first-person singular writing, the slash-principles page serves as a fluid document that reflects my evolving truths, beliefs, and principles. Discomfort is not an enemy, it’s a teacher! Each tenet is shaped and refined by the hard choices I make, aligning with my personal raison d'être and ikigai.
    #resistance #practice #choice #autotelic #values