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5 notes tagged "emotions"

  1. genetalia’s hydraulic capacity
    for most women who want to climax, the vulva, not the vagina, is their best bet. people make too much fuss about the genitalia for two reasons: the
    #sexuality #intelligence #emotions #sensory
  2. brain spinal column pelvic nerves information transfer
    We get erect or wet as the result of an impressive chain of events: brain perceives a sexual message brain sends a message down the spinal column
    #sexuality #intelligence #emotions
  3. emotional quality of an experience
    an experience is when our interactions with people and our surroundings reach a conclusion that is satisfying … they end in ways that are noticeably
    #experiential #emotions
  4. the need to be in love
    displaced persons, always needy, estranged, haunted by an unspoken tragedy that is blamed on parents or betrayals in love, on ailments or forced
  5. dissonance of maximum amplitude
    Leon Festinger, who in 1957 invented the theory of cognitive dissonance, named this a dissonance of maximum amplitude. The mind creates stories to
    #myth #emotions

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